LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

One of the reports I read said at least one of the passengers did this.




Please link to where he said he would kill someone

You canā€™t so stop lying

Iā€™d be open to convicting the killer for something as long as we are starting from the premise that he was engaged in legitimate self-defense.

What I have a problem with the narrative victim was just trying to get some food and water and was murdered for it, threatening to kill innocents on a subway is far from the easiest legal (food kitchen/pantry) or illegal (shoplifting) way to get food or water.

The truth is that dude was threatening to kill innocent people for no reason and then also the villain appears to have responded excessively.


what is the basis that this was legitimate self-defense? that he was loud? he had no weapon, he made no contact with anyone. are we killing people for speech now?

i think everyone admits he was in a mental health crisis.

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Itā€™s in the article cited ITT:

Police sources told NBC New York that Neely told riders on the train that he wanted food,that he wasnā€™t taking no for an answer, and that he would hurt anyone on the train.

ā€œThe man got on the subway car and began to say a somewhat aggressive speech, saying he was hungry, he was thirsty, that he didnā€™t care about anything, he didnā€™t care about going to jail, he didnā€™t care that he gets a big life sentence,ā€ said Juan Alberto Vazquez, who was in the subway car and recording part of what happened afterward. ā€œThat ā€˜It doesnā€™t even matter if I died.ā€™ā€

That was my first thought. Lots of twenty and thirty something males wanting to enact their MMA fantasies.

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So you think if you encounter someone talking crazy you can just put him in a choke hold? That seems extreme and a license to kill the mentally ill.

If he made an aggressive act or had a weapon, then sure, but just crazy ranting seems way too low a bar. Iā€™m also skeptical of the non-quoted part that he was threatening to harm people as the quote doesnā€™t mention that and just talks about him ranting about being hungry.

itā€™s funny because its the ā€œpolice sourcesā€ and unnamed witnesses are saying he was saying he would hurt people, but they cant seem to find anyone to quote on thatā€¦ all the quotes say he just said ā€œhe didnt care if he diedā€ā€¦

but besides the point. if i say something like ā€œiā€™m going to kill a motherfuckerā€¦ā€ in your vicinity do you get to put me in a choke hold until i die? even on a non legality basis is this the world you want to live in?


He never said he was going to kill anyone and you keep repeating it, dumb fucking sack of shit

He said that he was not taking no for an answer and had no problem with receiving a life sentence. If it was a Trumper saying that, youā€™d have no trouble at all understanding what he was saying.

Not the same thing. Go fuck yourself

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Juan Alberto Vazquez is quoted as saying he was fearful and it was a dilemma to him despite having just watched everything and filmed the video. If we assume that the non quoted parts are a lie and that Juan was both irrationally fearful and also callously nonchalant about watching someone die for no reason then yeah of course you are correct.

Either something about that consequences sentence is taken out of context or sheā€™s spun 180-degrees around that word as public reaction has emerged to this incident, because her statements today are very different, including saying ā€œconsequencesā€ was a reference to something that should happen to the killer.

ā€œIā€™m really pleased that the district attorney is looking into this matter,ā€ Hochul said in remarks at an unrelated event. ā€œAs I said, there have to be consequences, and so weā€™ll see how this unfolds - but his family deserves justice.ā€

Hochul said the chokehold was a ā€œvery extreme responseā€ to an outburst by Neely that she said was not violent.

What an awful situation. Anybody who rides the train has encountered episodes like this. And it runs through your mind what you are going to do if it becomes a physical threat to you or the people around you. Especially those who may not be the biggest or most physically imposing people of the world (male or female). But the jump between ā€œif something happensā€, or ignoring it and assuming itā€™ll end in nothing like 99% of these incidents, and ā€œIā€™m choking this guy to deathā€ is kind of mind-boggling.


Everyone is running with the ā€œ15 minutesā€ timeline. Has this even been confirmed?

Not sure. Multiple outlets are reporting ~15 min but itā€™s not clear how that was timed.Iā€™m assuming thereā€™s video of it somewhere?

Itā€™s based on the witness/videographerā€™s statement. He filmed the final 3-4 minutes, so the first 12 are unaccounted for.

Fox news literally saying that riding the subway can be like stepping into the octagon


When someone rings your doorbell, itā€™s almost like youā€™re in the octagon.


it kinda is, when itā€™s girls scout cookies season.