LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Domestic abuse by Porter? Definitely missed that. Tell me more.

Might just be right wing nonsense I don’t know really.

Damn. She plays her role well. I wouldn’t have put that stuff in her range. Granted, one must always be skeptical of allegations in contentious divorce proceedings, I kind of doubt the dude is completely fabricating the whole thing. And the reporting of staff abuse lends credibility to his account.

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I am already re-writing her platform in light of these revelations.

I have consulted the Dahl family for guidance.

Anyone that’s ever done a bad thing has no place in public service.

Nah. It’s just a factor that goes into the voting decision. As South Park told us decades ago nearly all elections are between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. You have to pick your poison.

Nope. Disqualifying.

Member Al Franken?

In his case the factor was weighed very highly.

Handsy, hair-sniffing Biden is in office last I checked.

And he shouldn’t be. Should have been disqualifying.

The issue is that Bernie minimized rape or something 40 years ago, so didn’t really have a good clean option.

Yeah, that’s the thing. We almost never have a “good clean option”.

Makes a bit of a hash out of cancel culture don’t it

Depends on the case. People have short memories. Even guys like Louis CK get back on the saddle. Harvey Weinsteins, not so much.

I believe it’s “in”

What’s wrong with Schiff? He seems like one of the top house dems

He has failed any number of “tests” from the gatekeeping class.

Who exactly is the “gatekeeping class”? Do you see them in the room with you right now?

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They’re the same jerks who cut all the cop budgets :sob:


You don’t get to be a top Dem by trying to primary the establishment eDem. Unless you’re sure you can pull off an Obama-style coup.

Dude crushed the impeachment trial and speeches on Trump. Ted Lieu, AOC, Schiff, Porter are my top house dems.

the longer this goes on the fewer judges we will get

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