LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Half an LOL here.

Tulsi Gabbard fills in for Tucker Carlson…and completely obliterates this Santos clown better than any mainstream media idiot could.

aren’t they both Russian plants?

not going to watch that tulsi video, but seems like people think that interview was tougher than anything chuck todd or wolf blitzer have ever done in 60 combined years of political reporting…

Let’s’ not get crazy here. It was fine. Half the reason is because when FOX News is interviewing a republican they go really soft. She didn’t exactly go HAM. But she was approaching that.

The second she took Bloomberg money she was clearly garbage and I was sounding that alarm too

This obviously

But everyone here was super pumped for her to lose by 5 or whatever to Kemp

Weird victory lap. Haven’t really noticed anyone on this forum stanning for Abrams in a big way, and the writing was on the wall since the primaries that she’s toast. Pretty much everything written about her since then has reflected that iirc.

Without her Dems probably never control the senate for these four years, and Biden never gets a Supreme Court justice in his first term. Her existence is huge net positive, even if she’s a grifter and her time in the sun ended two years ago.


Canceling her over that article is nuts. She’s not even the one grifting.

I don’t understand the confusion. You’re doing it yourself in the very next paragraph.

That seems like stanning for me. Sure she wasn’t going to beat Kemp, but Stacey Abrams is the GOAT Dem strategist was a pretty commonly held position.

Still legit curious about what the “I told you so” was. I’m not denying it. I just really don’t remember it.

I’m not quite certain what exactly is so damning in the blurb Riverman quoted. Is it the amount spent on legal fees that is damning or the fact that some went to a friend’s law firm?

I am also curious about this. She founded a voting rights PAC and it, scrolls to article, spent money on lawsuits to protect voting rights. Also, it turns out she knew some of the people who ran the law firms that they contracted with.


Meh, if that’s your shining example of people on this forum drinking the kool aid then guilty as charged I guess–what I said seems pretty factual to me but ymmv. Although you’ve gotta admit I’m pretty quick to concede she might be grifter despite so-so evidence, but whatever, stans gonna stan.

My recollection is that a few days before the election he told us she was going to lose, and that Georgia Dems should have run a True Progressive ™, who, by virtue of popular progressive policies may have had a chance of winning. And now that it turns out her voting rights PAC spent money on voting rights lawsuits, it’s time to spike the football.

No one was beating Kemp in GA.

And now that we know that her voting rights PAC spent money defending voting rights, he is understandably spiking the football.

Let me give you one of the biggest red flags about Stacey Abrams:


Ender’s Game is one of my all time favorite books too :confused:

The movie was meh and the ending won’t make sense unless you read all the books

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But they didn’t even win the lawsuit bro!

I’m not certain either. I’m assuming it’s a bit of both, but mostly the latter. Maybe @Riverman can come along and clarify.