LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

In that spot you have to be able to bullshit better and with more confidence than that. That’s at least half the job.

I’m not watching the video but seems like the standard line for all these assholes is “The real thing Americans care about is…” and then just talk about whatever you want to talk about.

You should watch the video. It’s a clinic in what not to do.

-posture and eye contact are terrible
-she says “um” way too many times
-at some point she starts reading completely unrelated talking points off a script

It is atrocious.

The line you suggest is fine, but you still have to sell it.

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Fair. She did a bad job answering a question she can’t really answer.

Answer should have been taxing billionaires fairly makes so that they can’t hoard resources to build things like super yachts and mega mansions and instead allow the rest of us to have a chance to buy the things we need at a reasonable price.

It has the benefit of being true and in line with mainstream economic theory, hence Larry Summers backing Biden on this.

The correct answer is:

“Raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans helps to reduce the budget deficit. Reducing the budget deficit strengthens the dollar and reduces inflationary pressure. Beyond that, it’s just fair. It’s long past time for the wealthiest Americans to foot their share of the bill instead of leaving it for the middle class.”


One thing trump got right: these stupid fucking press conferences are a waste of everyone’s time.


This is so true. They are a throwback to before the internet existed.

That may be, but if you’re gonna do them, you should do them right.

I sometimes bookmark posts with an automatic reminder when somebody makes a prediction.

Today I got the reminder for two posts from Feb 16th.

Zero pinocchios


Live stream of Dems golden egg for campaign donations.

They won’t do anything about it, by God they’ll find a way to raise money promising to.


They’re also going to unveil an immortality serum so Boomers can be in charge forever.

Fuck you bro


And fuck you too

we won’t be. we’ll be olds

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I mean, yes, sure, but the reason they don’t attack them by name is because the Dems want to have lunch with them and be friends.

…and attend their coke orgies.

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The Dems aren’t that cool.