LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop



Not really. Kerry was an awful candidate who barely lost Ohio – if he had won Ohio he would have won the whole thing. Yes, the popular vote went to Bush.

If Edwards or Clark (don’t know about Dean) had been the nominee they would have crushed Bush.

Ah, memories.

Remember when Ohio was a blueish purple state? Obama won it twice, while getting spanked in Georgia and Arizona.

I might be wrong but I think Biden is the first President to be elected while losing Ohio in like 75 years or something crazy.

Just looked and the last time before Biden was JFK in 1960. Ohio went for Nixon.

Now the longest streak is 4 elections (shared by Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania).

Dems deliver (a worse approval rating than fascists)

Well he’s right about this but for the wrong reason, apparently. LOL ever decoupling BBB and infrastructure.

Just expel this motherfucker from the party. Also LOL PELOSI STILL ENDORSED HIM

Progressives warned that Gottheimer and Schrader’s maneuver was intended to kill the Build Back Better Act, though in public the centrist bloc claimed nothing of the sort was planned. In private, Schrader was honest about his motivation, telling a group of major donors organized by the dark-money group No Labels that once they had gotten the infrastructure bill through, they could then pivot to undermining Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.

“Let’s deal with the reconciliation later. Let’s pass that infrastructure package right now, and don’t get your hopes up that we’re going to spend trillions more of our kids’ and grandkids’ money that we don’t really have at this point.”

This is the weirdest poll I’ve ever seen

Because she didn’t want BBB to pass and needs to keep people like him in the party to make sure that progressive goals are always juuuuuust out of reach.

Breyer almost certainly doesn’t retire if Trump wins. He really gave the impression that he wanted to stay longer, but stepped down to avoid being RBG 2.0.

Of course if it goes Trump, Trump, DeSantis, DeSantis. Which wouldn’t be unlikely in that alternative timeline, then we probably do lose Breyer unless he is willing and able to hang on until his mid 90s (which is of course unlikely).

nah if it goes trump, trump then it stays trump until he dies and then javanka takes over

I wasn’t clear, so I’m not sure you took my post the right way.

What I meant was if it went 2016 Trump, 2020 Trump, 2024 Desantis, 2024 Desantis.

If it went 2020 Trump, 2024 Trump…, then I’d agree with you.

But I think if Trump won in 2020, I’m quite confident he doesn’t try for a 3rd term somehow and achieve it.

lol this response is such a perfect encapsulation of edem brain worms

“Grandpa, what we’re the democrats doing?”

Hey, Irish Joe getting his dander up and siding with the separatists against BoJo is the best thing he’s done in office. Not exactly a high bar but still.

Never thought I’d say this but I miss Jen Psaki


Wow, I’ve never seen her before, but that was bad. Like really, really bad.

If it wasn’t just a one off type situation, they need to get someone new in there ASAP.

There are plenty of time Hucks and Propaganda Barbie made just as little sense, but at least they sold their bullshit with confidence.


Her answer isn’t the issue. The stupid tweet is the issue. Only answer she can give is “it doesn’t” but of course she can’t say that.

Yes it does.