LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


Not true. They have already had a lot of success hanging this on Trump. The other wokebros were saying he sabotaged the USPS too soon because everyone knows about it.

It doesn’t matter who it gets hung on. The objective is to sow chaos, create doubt, and suppress participation. They’re done. Mission accomplished. None of the rest of this crap matters. It’s performative bullshit to keep the dipshit donkeys preoccupied.

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The Democratic goal should be priming their supporters to have the same level of reaction if Biden loses that Trump is trying to induce in his supporters if he loses.

Even if Trump loses, the damage has been done. It is a matter of time before an authoritative dictatorship is formed in America.

Trump supporters among the general population aren’t doing anything if he loses either. The police, the Supreme Court, the Attorney General etc…they may not let him lose.

Both parties have done whatever they could to increase the power of the Presidency and if Biden wins, the Dems will be doing whatever they can to increase it further. Everyone laughed about the Rs complaining about executive orders and now those same people are complaining about executive orders. There’s almost no opposition to authoritarianism per se in this country only opposition to the other party having power.

Trump supporters are cowards. They won’t do shit. They cower in terror at the sight of a black person, they’re definitely not taking to the streets.

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In fairness Kasich isn’t there to make Dems happy, the goal of the convention is to win votes. Kasich is there to win the votes of moderate or right leaning voters, or to convince them to stay home.

That poll says more about why AOC needs way more time and Bill Clinton probably shouldn’t be speaking.

Jesus Christ.


These are actors hired by corporations. They look the part but eventually you realize it’s just Tommy Lee Jones delivering canned lines in a costume. He’s not actually a U.S. marshal chasing fugitives; he’s just a privileged asshole. It’s stable and they siphon off the money doing Kabuki until an actual fugitive wanders into the theater and scythes audience members to and fro. There are screams and cries for help, but our actors deliver on cue: “Stop, killer! Surrender yourself immediately!” And the psycho hacks another dozen or two people. Finally some real marshals are summoned and enter the stage from both sides, guns drawn, and order the killer to freeze. They are shooshed by the actors and aggressively sued by the actor’s guild for performing a unionized trade without a license. The state agrees. Everyone dies.


If I were advising Biden he’d bench both Clintons for the convention. HRC is too much of a lightning rod and Bill doesn’t turn out anyone who wasn’t already voting. I’d make sure Kamala and Joe both mentioned her 2016 run and commended her on putting another crack in the glass ceiling by winning the popular vote, but that would be it.

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Hey Chuck, it’s called a subpoena motherfucker.

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Chuck and Nancy failing to competently do their jobs has been every bit as damaging to the long term prospects of the USA as Trump has been. You can probably throw Nadler and that dipshit that did the chicken eating stunt in with them.

Fire them all into the sun on the next Tesla rocket test.


Imagine the response if AOC was in charge.



Sounds like that will take a while to get sorted.


I don’t see that Congressional Democrats have any actual power here. House Democrats already impeached the President for (checks notes) trying to cheat in the election. They presented an airtight case, Republicans debased themselves publicly day after day, and the end result was no consequences for the bad actors and zero change in public opinion.

Also worth noting that subpoenas were issued and promptly ignored. The legal force of such subpoenas IS STILL working its way through the courts, with GOP judges siding with Trump. Whether (Republican) Presidents are above the law is just another partisan issue, more noise for the public to tune out.


It’s not a popular opinion around here but going after the PG or AG is significantly different than going after the president. The president was elected (the whole GOP Senate argument was removing him was going against the will of the people…lol). These people are not elected and it’s very important to impeach at least one of these monsters to let us know whether the Senate doesn’t believe in oversight only over elected people or whether it doesn’t believe in oversight of anyone in the Trump administration. This is a great litmus test of the lengths they’re willing to go through to overthrow our Constitutional Democracy.

We have an actual QAnon follower as the DNI right now and he’s been as quiet as a church mouse. I’m very nervous about that.

I think the chances of this guy resigning or testifying before the election are very close to zero, but Democrats of course have to turn up the heat anyway. Hold nonstop hearings. Trot out a Grandma/Korean War Veteran/retired schoolteacher who isn’t getting her medicine because of this bullshit and put them all on TV in primetime. Show pictures of the mail machines being destroyed and mailboxes being removed. And on and on and on.

The media is, if nothing else, lazy as hell. If Democrats lead them to the story, they will begrudgingly cover it instead of the current “Trump says rampant voter fraud, Dems say no, who could possibly say?”

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