LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

coalition building FTW

Yeah, this is pretty spot on. I like her ok. Her biggest problem is that she wants and needs access.

She’s quite sensationalistic - but, she needs ratings too.

eta: The “Fox News” thing is not absolutely completely unfair. She and MSNBC do not have a perfect respect for the truth. It’s a bit more than just partisan. It’s a bit of boosterism.

This is only a valid criticism if it does not come from a place of hypocrisy. Very little has changed in 4 years. The eDems love to fling mud then cry foul with their liars gambit turns out poorly. I personally couldn’t give a shit and do not feel obligated to vote for someone who does not support any of the positions that are important to me. If the eDems wanted to build a coalition they wouldn’t have gotten here this way. Maybe people like you, who are involved in these campaigns, should ask the question of what the needed coalition to win is and how to build a platform that can build that coalition. Clearly progressives are not in charge of the platform so by definition we cannot build the platform.


60 seconds ok I’m officially out. I honestly don’t give a fuck what they do at this point.

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I think most people have a tendency to conflate conviction and passion for one’s political views with extremes. A lot of family and friends think I’m a bleeding heart commie just because I’m adamant about single payer, equality, and you know like not having a fascist dictator.

Yeah and her show feels to me a lot like a radio show. When I was a young sports broadcaster trying to get better as a host I’d listen to Rush and Glenn Beck just to lift fundamentals and techniques they used in teasing, winning the quarter hour for ratings, etc. She reminds me of them in some ways.

I think the big key is you don’t catch many downright lies on MSNBC. They will frame stuff a certain way or downplay bad stuff, but they usually won’t skip it, lie totally, or make stuff up. Meanwhile Fox News is out there like THE CARAVAN OF INVADERS IS COMING TO RAPE YOUR CHILDREN AND KILL YOU AND THEY’RE TRAFFICKING KIDS FOR SOROS AND HILLARY!!!

CNN is just totally sensationalized and, BREAKING NEWS!!! going for the lowest common denominator to get ratings (people yelling at each other).

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I’ve never watched a Fox News broadcast other than like clips on YouTube, at least not that I remember. At one time I watched a fair amount of Maddow and considered her more or less honest. But, I’ve also been forced to defend her enough to know that a cherry picker can keep you busy.


Back in the day watching a few minutes of Glenn Beck as a form of comedy used to amuse me. Ahh, the good ol days when right wing nuttery was something that made me laugh, not look wistfully toward the Canadian border.

The left needs propagandists, not truthtellers.


I’ve posted this before, but it’s been done before and it was meant as comedy at the time.

How you gonna put lipstick on that pig?


Lawrence Lessig says hi.

My feelings count as facts, IMO.

Me and people that agree with me, duh.


90% of the rage at the Dems is because the internet moves faster than government. The government moving slowly isn’t the worst thing either, see DACA.

Lol Nancy

Alarmingly, Nancy Pelosi continues to do fuck all except for cosplay as Speaker of the House.


Nothing frightens authoritarian shitheads more than Twitter hashtags.

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They’ve already fucking lost the battle, again. It is now accepted as fact that the post office is in shambles and can’t be trusted. Nothing that happens in the coming weeks and months (or years) will change that perception.