LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Because they knew they wouldn’t succeed, dumbass.


Over/under 6 months from 2022 election that republicans remove the filibuster?

They’ll never get rid of it so over.

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If they lose one vote to a filibuster it’s gone next day. 100%.

Absolutely no chance. The filibuster is how the billionaires keep anything from getting done.


GOP doesn’t need the filibuster removed.

They can get tax cuts passed and judges confirmed with 51. Since those are the only things they care about, why would they nuke the filibuster?


If they need to get rid of it they absolutely will, but I agree with boredsocial. It has been way too effective of a tool against progressive legislation to abandon. If they don’t plan on ceding power maybe that equation changes, but otherwise since judges and tax cuts get done with 50 and the judicial branch is going to serve up a bunch of “this should be addressed by Congress” decisions, filibuster is hugely pro Republican.

Sure looks like the “failure is not an option” crowd failed.

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There’s also the survivorship bias. The next Bernie Sanders firebrand Democrat is going to receive zero corporate money which is almost a requirement to win the most entry level local house or senate race. Whereas the next firebrand Josh Hawley type will be showered with cash from day one.

I see it very clearly with the statewide races gearing up for GA. Most of the leading Democratic candidates for Lt. Gov, Sec of State, AG, etc are leading because they’ve already raised millions, and they’ve already raised millions because they have ingratiated themselves to people with lots of money.

This is where the bench comes from for future governors, senators, and then by extension POTUS.

Every time some asshole says ‘failure is not an option’ I roll my eyes so hard people wonder if I’ve had a micro seizure. I actually react the same way to the entire genre of empty headed business bro sayings.

eDems definitely post their Wordle results on Facebook.

Wordle 215 3/6





No, because they understand the filibuster is hugely beneficial to them.

First of all, as noted, their biggest priorities pass with 51, whereas Dems need 60. But also, the GOP has a road to 60 seats, Dems do not.

There’s a decent chance that in 2024 we see a Republican trifecta with a supermajority in the Senate.

2022 Potentially Competitive Seats
Arizona (D - Kelly)
Georgia (D - Warnock)
Nevada (D - Cortez Masto)
New Hampshire (D - Hassan)
North Carolina (R - Burr retiring)
Pennsylvania (R - Toomey retiring)
Wisconsin (R - Johnson)

I left off Republican seats in Florida, Iowa, and Ohio because we all know that’s not happening. In a red wave, we could see a net pickup of 1-4 seats pretty easily.

2024 Potentially Competitive Seats
Arizona (D - Sinema)
Florida (R - Scott)
Michigan (D - Stabenow)
Montana (D - Tester)
Nevada (D - Rosen)
Ohio (D - Brown)
Pennsylvania (D - Casey)
Virginia (D - Kaine)
West Virginia (D - Manchin)
Wisconsin (D - Baldwin)

It’s going to be very hard for Dems to keep those seats in Montana, Ohio and West Virginia in a presidential year. The only potential red → blue is Florida, which, LOL… On the other hand, if the Republicans win the presidency there’s a pretty good chance they also flip Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona, and Nevada and Virginia aren’t out of reach.

I think the likeliest outcome is R+3 to R+7.

Which is to say that if Dems want to keep the Senate after 2024 they need to gain three seats in this cycle, which LOL… But as you can see, 60 seats for the GOP are in play in 2024.

Oh it’s just a bad cycle, 2026 sets up for Dems? Not so much…

2026 Potentially Competitive Races
Georgia (D - Ossoff)
Iowa (R - Ernst)
Maine (R - Collins)
New Hampshire (D - Shaheen)
North Carolina (R - Tillis)
Virginia (D - Warner)

The reality is if you look at the Cook PVI by state, Dems road to 60 is virtually impossible with the current party alignment. So the filibuster means Democrats never get to pass regular legislation without Republican votes.

That is why the GOP won’t nuke it, unless they’re extremely confident that they have sufficiently rigged elections such that Dems never get another trifecta.

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It really is quite sobering the level of riggage at every level of government.

House? Gross gerrymandering by the state legislatures, enabled by judiciary, generally favoring Republicans.
State legislatures? Gross gerrymandering by themselves, enabled by judiciary, generally favoring Republicans.
Senate? Favors small, rural states and hence Republicans.
Presidency? Electoral college favors small, rural states and hence Republicans.
Judiciary? Aggressively overtaken by Presidency and Senate fuckery, nearly impossible to challenge or change
Voting Rights? Undermined by state legislatures and judiciary, to the benefit of Republicans across the board

We’re basically at the point in the game where a grandmaster can’t come back against a 1400 player. There’s no path to enough seats in the Senate to pass anything, and anything we do pass will get gutted by the SC. gg Dems, there’s basically no point in you existing anymore, besides to create the illusion of a functioning democracy.

Republicans are going to cynically dismantle the administrative state every time they take power, which is already suffering and is by far the biggest source of power the establishment left has. It’s pretty much the only real battleground in American government anymore; everything else is spoken for.


Going to be interesting to see what happens in the summer when Roe is gone. Its as far as I know the first regression of civil rights ever in this country. Part of me thinks stonks are really not going to stonk.

Yeah, like Chris Coons voted along with it. I’ve never heard him comment on the filibuster, but he’s a weaselly coward, a small man, so I’d be blown away if he supported true filibuster change.

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Not sure I agree with this. The end of reconstruction, prohibition, Shelby County, post 9/11, etc. We regress on civil rights all the time; everything we’ve got is fragile.


It’s maddening how this shit is simply a performance