LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

This is an IG post by a guy I know who is a Republican rep in the Florida house. He sucks and his whole political persona is just trying to post owning the Libs memes, but I can’t find THAT much fault in this, it basically writes itself:

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By all means, show up and vote for Democrats in state races, just know that in most states those races are rigged for the GOP because the Democrats in the federal government refuse to do anything about gerrymandering and absolutely do not deserve your time, energy, money or vote.

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This whole Manchin, Sinema got me thinking about something. How hard would it be to get a couple of Dem Manchins and Sinemas? Have these agents infiltrate and somehow get nominated as republicans. Then when they are in office, they gum up the works.

This has got to be a long game kind of play. You need to recruit people when they are in their early 20s and hope it pays of in a decade or so.

Yeah, I know, it’s a pipe dream. But that’s all I’ve got these days.

That would work for exactly one cycle then you’d get wrecked in your next primary. Not even because the voters would notice, because it’s not like you can’t just placate them by saying what they want and doing anything else, but the party leadership would have absolutely no tolerance for your stepping out of line, they’d have the ability to end your career, and they’d actually follow through with it. I’d say that’s different from the Democrats but both parties tolerate moves to the right and put a stop to the left, same product just advertised differently to sell it to both sets of voters.

For senate, you only need it for one cycle. Then you live off of the type of cushy board seats that Sinema is going to live off of.

Moreover, one cycle of Senator from Wyoming is one more cycle than we’re ever going to get.

Anyone booking action on how long Jen Psaki sticks around? I think she’s pretty close to an exit.

I guess, but in the typical American political fashion there is some pretty wild asymmetrical warfare going on. The Dems’ “rogue” in Manchin blocks critical voting rights bills, the Rs’ “rogue” in Murkowski wants to repeal Obamacare and votes for tax cuts for the rich and corporations. That’s a gold medal in the Overton Olympics right there.

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She’s already said she only plans on doing the job for about a year.

Holy shit this is great:




I love that this latest development was so obvious that nobody on this site even really thought it was worth talking about.

Imagine being the POTUS and not having intimidation/fear even in your range. Literally the most powerful person in the world and using that power is apparently totally out of bounds. Almost like getting that power was totally pointless.

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They did get the power out of the hands (temporarily) of the actual worst person in the whole country.

Dems don’t have enough sociopaths on their bench.

Not symmetrical. Rs are old white people. Democrats go from


Plus the constitution “rigs” our elections via the Senate for Rs.

(omg, am I turning into Glenn Kessler?)



This, except wiping out student loan debt.

With 50K you can buy many Nintendo Switch OLEDs

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