LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I do know a few people that prefer the term latinx, and know of several more that use it in writing online/in books. These people are almost exclusively the successdaughters of immigrants from Mexico/Central America/South America. They like it because they think it’s bullshit that a group of a hundred women and one man is referred to as Latino simply due to the presence of the one man.

Asking large groups of people what they think of the term Latinx seems kinda dumb, because most of them probably haven’t really thought about it and of course the men wouldn’t care even if they had. But you’re definitely shitting on a group of people that feel like they’re always ignored when you celebrate the death of the term, kinda proving their point.

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replies are brutal, as they should be

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My favorite:


Yeah… I’m done with the Democrats. I’m switching my affiliation to independent and probably never voting again. I’ll donate to primary challengers, bail funds, and other stuff like that. Other than that though I’m out.

To everyone who did more than me I’m sorry you wasted your time. I need to pay less attention before I turn into NBZ.


And this is why running on pictures of dead kids when your signature plan is to further regulate some tiny minority of a minority of gun purchases is stupid. Everyone knows they’re lying!

Everyone knows Republicans are lying too and it works for them.

Republicans lie like Joe Manchin lies. They make up reasons and evidence with a wink and a nod, but everyone is very clear on what they actually want. Republicans are very serious that they want to outlaw abortion, curtail voting rights, expand gun access, lower taxes for the rich, slash welfare and other government assistance, further criminalize classes of people they don’t like, etc. They make up bullshit about why they are doing those things like “limited government” or “election integrity”, but everyone knows what they are doing.

Democrats lie about what they actually want. They claim to be in favor of helping the poor, minorities, marginalized communities of various types, gun control, expanded healthcare, taxing the rich, decriminalization of various acts that are used to hassle minorities - but it’s abundantly clear that they do not want to actually do any of those things. They want to do basically the same shit as the republicans, but they are (genuinely, I think) not as hateful as Republicans, so they convince themselves that actually a 39% vs a 36% top marginal tax rate is fighting the good fight. So we get an endless parade of bullshit where everyone pretends that the nothing that they are doing is actually doing incremental work towards those goals they don’t care about. Columbine was like 25 years ago and mass shootings have gotten exponentially worse, not better. Name something Democrats have done to help?


Lots of giveaways that this is true but biggest one in my book is refusal to remove marijuana from the federal list of controlled substances. That is purely an executive branch thing so no excuse that a few Congress critters are holding it up. They just don’t want to do it.


she’s right but he’s got her there

huh? She’s randomly yelling at the billionaire whiner that isn’t sufficiently taxed? And she’s a Karen? Wut?


trolling one of the 10 most progressive senators will have zero consequences for him if the other 90 senators have zero interest in raising his taxes

Trump did the same shit while openly committing crimes and accidentally became President. And still has never suffered a single consequence.

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Narrator: they did not.

It’s quite the trick, the GOP bullies idiot Dems into nominating centrist losers like Merrick Garland for key positions then relentlessly whines about those same people being communists or whatever. Dems never catch on, somehow.

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The current Chair of the SEC is an Obama appointee who was previously a Partner at Goldman Sachs. But sure, Bernie should just give him a call and whip up some populist plans for capital markets regulation.

Just need to find those 10 votes right guise

Manchin insisting on zeroing out child tax credit lmao. So guess that isnt coming back regardless of whether BBB gets passed.

Happy New Year! Here’s a COVID surge, your child tax credit is gone, and make fucking sure you pay your fucking student loans on time plebe.

