LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Joe manchin thinks that might add 0.0003 to the deficit

I mean Obamacare is nice in theory, but for the the self employed its a nightmare. I’m perfectly healthy, mid 30’s non-smoker and paying $350/month just to have an $8,000 deductible. So I guess now I can pay for all the horribly unhealthy olds AND the unvaccinated idiots. yay


I’m paying $250/mo for a $1000 deductible.

Hmm are you self employed? Do you get subsidies?

I am self employed, my subsidy is about $200/mo.

Damn, that’s wild to me, carry on

The Dems give @iron81 a Loyal Centrist Discount.


i firmly believe that the idea of separate insurance pools between healthy 30 yos and horribly unhealthy olds, which also reset every year, is a deeply misguided implementation of healthcare. but somehow we are forced into individual choices on an exchange that continues the practice. it by design leaves much too many conditions uncovered, as a guise of optimal allocation of premiums. but obviously it’s impossible to know true costs until you get sick, at which point you may wish you had gotten better healthcare before your particular problem.

the only solution is lifetime coverage like MCA, where i would gladly pay extra as a 20-40yo into a program that takes care of my parents in full, and will eventually take care of me. preferably with low chance the program will go bankrupt before i need it.

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But how are you going to feel if you die before you need any of that coverage? NOT TOO GOOD, RIGHT?!

with any luck, i will only care for a second

One thing that has helped me is to not think of it as health insurance. Think of it as bankruptcy insurance. Yeah, that’s unfortunate, but it’s a reality. And when you come at it from that angle, it makes it easier to wrap your brain around the whole thing.


Truly hopeless.


Bang up job guys

so not actually free pre K and the paid leave will be rescinded before it even comes into effect?

Everyone knows the best time to help someone in need is several years from now. That’s how to win friends and influence people.


The 2024 trump economy is gonna get a real boost from these programs that the GOP voted in lockstep against. It’ll probably give him some leeway to push some of the rights wilder ideas through. What great politics.

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It is kind of amazing that the worry about the CBO scoring has so warped policy making. Like assuming you want paid leave to last forever, what difference does it make if you start 3 years early? Instead we get all these gimmicks that are ultimately going to be a lot of ‘you played yourself’ shit