LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

She needs it to fund her reelection campaign.

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It’s not good, guys.

Because this

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Nate is saying the D elites do think there is a threat to democracy and contrasting that to the D base.

I wonder why their voters don’t

Maybe because they run on bipartisanship with nazis


Maybe it’s because they aren’t on Unstuck and aren’t suffering from Social Media Brain™.

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I guess this view makes sense if you somehow don’t think voter suppression is going to hurt democrats lol.

Obviously untrue and probably coping with the fact that your beloved shitlibs are tanking democracy.

Insane voter suppression. 75% of republicans think the election was stolen. Attempted insurrection. Passing laws allowing legislatures fully control local elections, allowing to send their own electors.

Yeah that’s all just social media brain and shitlibs are doing great


It’s Social Media Brain that Rs have overwhelmingly convinced themselves/have been brainwashed by Trump that Ds governing is illegitimate even after their guy lost by EIGHT MILLION VOTES and are ready to “rectify” that injustice…… oh wait, that’s exactly what the poll you just cited says…


If you have multiple kids, cash is easier to divide amongst them than property is. It will probably lead to fewer fights over who gets what.

I still think that for most people the step up in basis is a pretty big incentive not to sell.

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what do you make of the fact that gop has to cheat to win? it starts with a dishonest media strategy, a propaganda system that relies on targeting down to the most outlandish conspiracies and racism, plus gerrymandering and EC advantage, AND voter suppression on top of that. take that away, who do you really have as constituents except anti-abortion evangelicals, proud boys, and anonymous north dakota c-corps?

seems that liberals are winning the public even while narrowly losing the votes. or perhaps better phrasing is if gop were in the majority, they wouldn’t have to turn themselves into dear leader party.

Feinstein’s husband is a literal billionaire. I don’t think the kids have to worry about fighting over the 35 million dollar house she sold.

I didn’t know how rich she was exactly.

Also, I’m not saying that was her reason, I’m was saying it is a reason.

Of course if they’re that rich, then stim’s question is kind of irrelevant. Sell it, don’t sell it, donate it to charity, light it on fire. All of those actions are approximately the same as far as the kids are concerned.


iron is still going to be saying this shit to us while we’re all on the train to the gulag


nah, I’m just laughing at how incredibly stupid most of this is and you think it’s smart.

They’re nakedly corrupt. Fuck em

Has insurance not skyrocketed the rates of unvaccinated? That is what seems crazy to me. You’re a huge risk not being vaccinated.

For people on Obamacare, the only ways insurance is allowed to discriminate is age and smoking.

We don’t really know whether health premiums for employers who require vaccines are lower than employers that don’t.


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I mean that’s a good rule but adding vaccinations would make sense