LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

They’ve flocked to that party because the Democrats aren’t doing dick for them.

It really isn’t more important than stuff like wages, jobs, healthcare, etc. These people were more than happy to vote for Dems when Dems were backing unions and offering goodies to people in the industrial Midwest. The New Democrats abandoned the working class and told them to go code or something. Republicans aren’t offering them anything tangible either, but at least they get guns and racism.

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That chart says <$50k shifted slightly D. The biggest shifts were White Men to D, college and non, and Hispanics to R. I suspect the Hispanic shift was due to less emphasis on the Wall in 2020, though Trump also did better with Hispanics than Romney.

Think i agree with this. There’s a whole lot of people who, if they aren’t experiencing genuine economic anxiety, are going to vote for racism. Dems should starve rural America.

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Wait, you’re telling me there is one of those to move to? What is it called?

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So you think Dems ARE doing great things for nonwhite working class voters because Dems have held on to them and Biden set records? Or maybe the cultre war/Trump issues actually matter in explaining their votes but somehow not whites? .

I’m not really talking about just 2016 to 2020 but more over a longer time frame.

But even so, yeah, they shifted slightly D to like D+8 if I’m looking at that chart correctly. That’s absolutely pathetic. Democrats should be winning the under $50k vote by 70+ points. But they aren’t because the Democratic party is not interested in making those people’s lives better.

Which should be a core part of the Democratic base, but these guys aren’t interested in welfare “reform” or crime bills or whatever bullshit third-way Dems have been pitching to suburbanites. Republicans are crushing Spanish-language media and creating a Fox News-style propaganda empire while Dems are just jacking themselves off with performative bullshit.

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I think Republicans peaked with Hispanics with Bush 2004, so it’s not like it’s been a continuous Dem bleed.

I guess it’s called the Republican party, if you restrict yourself to certain segments of white people.

I think this fundamentally misunderstands how voters, particularly white rural, less educated workers are deciding. That confederate flag bubba would be voting straight Dem if only his union didn’t get busted is sweet summer child naivety.

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What are Democrats doing to court these voters?

Republicans are leaning into racism and blaming minorities and immigrants. Democrats are…?

Infrastructure. It’s important for rural areas because it’s more expensive per Capita than urban.

I agree with the second part.

I strongly disagree that the Democrats are doing infrastructure well or that they are messaging properly when they accidentally do manage to do something.

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The facts are Republicans played the long game very well. A generation ago they put huge money behind propaganda machines, fake “research” / think tanks (which were instantly parroted by “mainstream” media), and perhaps most importantly they created the Federalist Society and took over the judiciary.

There’s probably no way to stop it all now. Just a matter of time.


I think much of their agenda is designed for these voters (infrastructure, Obamacare etc), it just fails to change their mind. Also, Dems don’t openly antagonize these voters like Republicans do with POC. Even Biden being the nominee is I think Dems picking the least offensive choice for these voters. That it’s failing is not the same as not trying.

It is close to an impossible problem for Democrats now. They won’t do anything to address structural problems, so they have to win white people. The only way they can possibly do that now is go full economic populist and scream that the rich are robbing them blind. While this is true, and might work, the Dems would literally rather descend into a fascist hellstate than advance that message. They’re corrupt losers, the end.

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They also put a ton of ground work in at the local and state levels.

In addition to the obvious effects, it also creates a deep bench of new, young future superstars. And unlike the Democratic party, they actually put these young people in leadership positions.

The three top ranking members of the House of Representatives on the Democratic side are all over 80 years old. Their GOP counterparts are all under 60. Elise Stefanik is under 40.

Seriously, who is “the future” of the Democratic party?


Bernie almost succeeded doing this and it took the whole party apparatus to stop him.


This is of course true and reflects the reality of why Republicans enter politics. They largely do their time then move on to million dollar no show lobbying and consulting and board jobs in their 60s and beyond. Look at the last few GOP speakers of the House. John Boehner is selling pot and Paul Ryan is on the board of Fox.