LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Officiated by Nancy Pelosi.

Please remember this next time some shitlib tries to tell you how “effective” Nancy is. This fucking woman is a complete disgrace.

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Sounds to me like she’s effectively doing the job billionaires gave her

Yeah, I disagree. She was pretty effective at rolling the progressives and passing the infrastructure bill that the donor class wanted to pass.

Dems need more publicity stunts.

This will be an unpopular take, but Dems should probably stop trying so hard to beat Republicans on the culture war front and stick to selling leftist policies that are insanely popular among the overwhelming majority and would immediately help +80% of Americans (minorities and their rights included)

I’m not saying the GOP isn’t woefully on the wrong side of our culture war, but sometimes you have to do a head fake to gain serious ground. Real progress on any front can’t happen until we start crushing elections

What are some examples of “Dems trying so hard to beat Republicans on the culture war front”?

There seems to be a trend of trying to win elections by calling out that R opponents are Trump supporters and are supported by Trump. That seems to fall into the category of “culture wars”.

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I think you might be right but they can’t. You ignore the culture war and you aren’t making it out of a primary.

I mean ignoring it and letting corporations and just time win the culture war like it’s going too would probably help electorally but honestly it’s too late to worry about what Dems should do. It’s over until we have a massive shift. Maybe boomers dying or massive economic stress.

Until then the gop will dominate no matter what dems do. Unless someone can force manchin and cinema nuke the filibuster and pass voting rights

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indoctrinating everyone with CRT ldo


Cringe shit like taking a knee in traditional African clothing to show support for blm

There is a ton of shit they do to virtue signal they are liberal without actually passing anything else to help people.


Also the powerful people in the party don’t want “leftist policies that are insanely popular among the overwhelming majority and would immediately help +80% of Americans”. Or, more accurately, it is not a priority for them.

I would say the recent race for Governor in Virginia is a pretty clear example. McAuliffe kept trying to hammer home Youngkin’s stance on CRT while Youngkin in return, leaned into it. Indignant racism and all things cruelly bigoted aren’t bugs for GOP voters, but features. McAuliffe does far better (in my opinion) simply pounding away and highlighting all the ways a leftist agenda would benefit Virginians

Of course, it doesn’t help that McAuliffe isn’t a leftist to begin with. Dems nominate the shittiest of candidates

Another cruel turn of the screw for the party we all love so much:

Dems need to appeal to people’s self-interest. Sometimes that means culture war stuff like desegregation and gay marriage. Reminding everyone that Trump is a racist idiot doesn’t cut it.

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Doesn’t this kind of refute your post above?

Dems have for decades been paying mostly lip service to cultural issues without really doing much about them. Sure some headway has been made, but that’s mostly because people have finally realized they have friends and family in the LGBTQ community. But what real progress has been made with regards to racial reform?

Our current president wrote much of the 1994 crime bill. With a stroke of a pen he could legalize marijuana and release all non violent drug offenders from federal prison. But he doesn’t. Why? Because he’s a typical centrist Dem who’d rather pay lip service to an issue than enact real leftist policies. And you can’t tell me he couldn’t have been more instrumental in fighting for his own BBB bill. The truth is he just doesn’t care. We need to stop nominating shitty candidates

Any economic stress that is coming will affect Boomers disproportionately imo. Yes many are terrible, but I think it’s a mistake to lay the blame squarely on them while discounting the sizeable number of the under 40 crowd who buy into the narrative that non whites are putting their jobs and privileged way of life at risk.

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This is backwards. In general terms, Boomers are going to coast to the grave consuming the wealth they’ve hoarded and everyone else will inherit a burning planet with no sustainable economic plan.


That’s what I meant

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One example of Dems trying hard to beat Republicans on the culture war front would be trying to make the Texas abortion law a campaign issue.