LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

… this is how he keeps getting elected, by doing his donors’ bidding for more donor dollars. It’s how the US electoral system works.

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Im not as down on the bank account reporting as many on here. That said, passing a bill that increases IRS scrutiny on middle-class taxpayers while also means testing away all the new programs so the middle class cant access them AND also restarting student loan payments months before an election is so LOL Democrat it hurts and that really seems to be where this is headed.


lololololol there is yet another vote after which we get a referral

It’s been what, ten days since Bannon told them to fuck off?

It truly is incredible. I don’t know how I’m going to defend my voting for Ds next time someone presses me on why I do.

Hey dipshit this is obviously not true and while you are obviously well intentioned comments like this just make you look like a dumbass and a rube. Donald Trump is very obviously completely above the law.

Nazi Man Bad!

Democrats at it again

How much income is too much will depend on the state and depend on how the word “income” is defined (the bill does not define it). But for illustration purposes, note that the median household income last year in the country was $67,521. If this was your state’s median income, then having a family income just $1 higher than that would result in you being ineligible for child care subsidies in 2022 even as the unsubsidized price of child care skyrockets due to the wage and other mandates in the Democratic proposal.

This is obviously a perverse outcome and it’s not clear whether lawmakers even realize what they are about to do.

Under this scenario, there will be many dual-earning couples who cannot afford child care if both of them continue to work, but could afford child care if one of them quit their job and thereby brought their family income below the eligibility cutoff. Normally people who quit jobs to take care of their kids do so in order to save the money they’d have to spend on child care. Under this plan, they have to quit their job in order to afford child care!

For all the talk of child care benefits being a boon to women’s labor force participation, this design clearly pushes against it by making it virtually impossible for a dual-earning middle class couple to afford child care in the first three years of the program.

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Joe Manchin: pEoPle hAvE tO WoRk

Also Joe Manchin: here is legislation that literally makes it better not to work

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Yeah tons of people could quit their jobs and then send their kid elsewhere? Sounds great for a very specific set of people.

The house doesn’t have a jail!


Best response:

Alabama is using COVID relief funds to build prisons and you can’t repurpose a broom closet to stuff Bannon in?


Im pretty happy he is get absolutely dunked on for his weak shitlibs answers

Reddit has come a long time way

r/politics posters would fit in well here if they weren’t all 19 and living in their parent’s basements.


We are much closer to the point of needing to defend democracy by any means necessary than these milquetoast Dems are willing to believe.

if you break this law you go to jail

we don’t have a jail but you still shouldn’t do that this is a STRONGLY WORDED LETTER saying as such

fucking hell

Guess I’m the only one in favor of sending Rahm out of the country on a basically completely worthless post.

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Lolol and he is in the top 10% of congressional democrats for getting it

It’s absolutely hopeless

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Always a chance his plane could crash.