LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

i like raskin, but didn’t the capitol have shot fired inside in the fifties and bombed in the 70s?

Yeah we do. We’re already doing a little, but it’s not enough to prevent global warming from getting worse. However, the damage that will do can be mitigated. People can and are building levees, moving out of the way, etc. Global warming is not a threat to bring down civilization.

Look at how Europe shit their pants when 5 million refugees came knocking at the door. What happens when 500 million climate refugees move north?

Hell freezes over.

What about 50 million?

Yep. Shots fired, a few bombings, and one Congressman beating a Senator on the floor of the Senate.

I guess Raskin could argue that January was more “sweeping” because it involved more people than the other events, but he probably should just stick to talking about how bad that day was instead of making broad historical pronouncements that can get “well, actually’ed” to death.

Also, reminded of this fun factoid about the rep who committed assault on the Senate floor.

“The select committee recommended expelling Brooks from Congress, but the resolution did not secure the necessary two-thirds vote when it reached the House Floor. On July 15, 1856, Brooks resigned in protest, but was quickly returned to the seat he vacated by a special election held just one month later.”

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Honestly a republican could shoot a democrat on the house floor and we wouldn’t get 2/3 vote to expel.

Lol even a pro slavery scumbag has more integrity than modern day republicans, actually resigning


we’ve also had a house rep walk into the senate to cane the shit out of him to unconsciousness and got overwhelmingly re-elected

(edit–damn PONY)

if greene just beat the shit out of AOC, she’d be presidential nominee at some point

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One huge problem with no solution is that the President just has way too much power in our system. They get to pick the head of every department, most importantly the military and justice department, and also have unlimited pardon power with absolutely no recourse for massive abuses of power. Not to mention picking judges. Oh and they and they alone are in charge of the nukes.

and yet can’t do shit with the post office or get anything major done without senators, which right now is a problem ironically

They could, but Biden won’t. It would require breaking a few norms and actually having a spine for sure.

I guarantee that the POTUS has access to enough forms of pressure that we could absolutely twist Sinema and Manchin into a pretzel. But we’re the good guys and we don’t do that right?


Yeah, threaten immediate prosecution of Manchin’s daughter and the creation of a no seizure-inducing dress requirement for the Senate, and we’d have the filibuster nuked lickety-split!


And if you don’t have leverage on them you do have leverage on their donors. Kennedy and the steel industry is the equivalent.

Basically the POTUS has more than enough power to find some lever that can move Manchin and Sinema to do what they’re told for the rest of his term. But we don’t do that because it would be wrong. We believe this unironically 9 months after the other party tried to launch a coup to overturn an election.

It would be nasty and there is no doubt that people would find out about it. So it would not be prestigious. But I’ve seen people do dirty dirty things for career advancement and riches. Sinema and Manchin are doing those things right now. It would be nice if the Democrats cared enough about power to actually use it.


The eDems have a very conservative view that power isn’t actually to be wielded to shape and change the world, you’re just supposed to protect it and admire it for its own sake it like a museum curator taking care of a nice vase or something. This notion that the US is basically fine as it is and should not be changed to much or too quickly is just another sign that the Overton window had gone so far right. The only people in the Dem party that want to use the power to make the world better are the progressives that are are demonized from all sides.


Blah blah blah. You weren’t even all in for Bernie last year. Less leading and more following

You don’t say!

can’t even gerrymander correctly

Can’t these fucking idiots just hire Dave Wasserman to do it for them? Utterly incompetent at absolutely everything.


Following Wasserman’s suggestion would mean designating another R district.