LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Make sure you report it as spam too.

you’ve got till about the 15th to fix your shit you fucking idiots

Good idea, but I assure you these emails will never ever ever ever end.

I gave like $50 to Stacy Abrams 4 years ago and no matter how many “unsubscribes” I click, I still get about 6-8 emails per day urging me to “HELP US STOP MITCH!”

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are they too dumb to realize history is written by the winners, so they can just rewrite it?


Did they ever ship those subpoena criminal referrals over to Garland, or are they still holding off on that?

They’re going to. They promise. Soon.

I mean not really. Other countries will write about America and after our collapse or breaking apart it will be widely known that republicans caused, were evil, and democrats we’re spineless and incompetent

They don’t give a shit though. Them and their families will be wealthy and will fade any of the bad affects

To be fair, eventually history will be harsh to them. After 50 years of riggage and another 50 years of Lost Cause revisionism eventually some day someone will finally go, huh those 100 years were pretty bad.

I mean the fucked up thing is they are winning the working class. Waaf

what is even working class anymore? mining/manufacturing is place to die nowadays.

but service is where it’s at. fast food service employees could probably wreck havoc on elections if they unionized. retail employees could too, but there’s a ton of class warfare just below the surface in that industry (e.g. walmart). amazon is going to continue to fight unions, but they kinda pwned themselves by going multinational. one country is going to require unions, and it’s going to spread everywhere. if bezos/jassy were smart, they’d get much further ahead of the trend, give the workers what they want and more, and try to reverse the negative sentiment before it causes an even worse reputation.

other countries aren’t gonna write about us lmao

Yeah, who ever heard of the Romans?


not anyone who’s read any history textbook in american classroom

Lol what? “World history” in American schools is basically western history, which centers on Rome.


I was a dyed in the wool moderate as recently as 2015. I thought we were going to incrementally get there, and that we weren’t changing fast enough but that it would accelerate over time and we’d get there probably just under the wire because that’s how humans are.

Yeah then Trump happened and we did a 180 and went the wrong way as fast as we could for four years.

The problem with incrementalism right now isn’t that incrementalism doesn’t work. It does, and it has been working and gradually improving everyone’s lives since the arrival of the scientific method. The problem is that we are out of time for those approaches. We don’t have 10-20 years to slowly taper down our use of fossil fuels… we had been so aggressive on pushing that process out that we were almost out of viability for it in 2015. Ditto for most of our other problems.

So yeah centrism is dead because there’s no way it leads to a viable future. It already failed and now we have to do things fast (which also means messy). I hate messy implementation with crazy deadlines so I’m not going to enjoy what needs doing, but every day we delay squishes the final implementation into an even shorter (and thus even more messy) window.


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What is the strategy here? You can’t tell voters this was the Worst Attack Since 1812 and then not bother trying to enforce subpoenas. Even the #Resistance Dems are going to catch on eventually.