Log of Key Moderator Actions

Gave Cassette the afternoon off for trolling and a personal attack.


Suspended @Watevs for a day for this too combative post:

Warned @anon38180840 to stop telling jal to ignore him, stop responding to him, etc.

There are excellent tools for users to mute or ignore other users. You don’t get to dictate who responds to your posts, however.


Ctyri gets the night off for name calling and trolling.


Churchill gets a day off for repeated trolling in the COVID thread.


@Jalfrezi gets a 3 day break. I already warned him this morning about combative and inflammatory trolling and then he decides to go with this post hours later. I’m specifically referencing the age old “jailer man” comment. That sentence was completely unnecessary to get his point across.


Fixed the spoiler on an improperly formatted @Danspartan post in the tv thread.


@j8i3h289dn3x7 banned for two days for this trolling post in the covid thread:

From a review of church’s post from the last week, only the ivermectin clause is even remotely true. Inflammatory and false post.

Jbro banned for a day for

Obvious trolling. He was also trolling in AM.

Forgot to explicitly tell @Danspartan that was his FIRST and FINAL warning for poorly formatted posts.


Permanently banned @jman220reading for ban evasion.

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Permanently banned @jmanreading3 for ban evasion.

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Deleted a post by @churchill in the covid thread where he posted an entire article in line. Please don’t post entire articles inline, just excerpt and link them.

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warning @anon38180840 for this post:

Don’t do shit like this, it’s just picking a fight for no reason. You want to comment on the substance of his excerpt, go ahead. But saying it’s MIGHTY SUSPICIOUS that he choose this or that paragraph? Adds nothing and picks a fight for zero reason.

Warning to not do this again and I’m deleting the post.

BibleJohn permabanned for being a terrible gimmick.


Banned cuse for a day for reporting this post:

Obvious trolling/abusing of post reporting feature.

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What… you banned him for reporting a post? What in the world.


Yeah, he was trolling me, just like you were with your reply.

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lol you are completely out of control dude


You are taking this too personal. You don’t have to speak for every mod here and approve every action because you see it first. That’s ridiculous.

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