Let's discuss fidgetUK’s ban

Hint:pretty much everyone disavowed that right away.

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I only saw a few people defend it.

I also only saw a few people disavow it.

I’m sure you can go back and find dozens of statements of people coming out strongly and condemning Jmakin.

The community was showing that they will condemn bad behavior the way the captains should of condemned fidget.

Actually I doubt it. You will probably find people saying things like “no one is defending him” or what he did was wrong bUt ThE pMs

Edit: he was probably banned right away too!

I’m actually hoping someone post receipts in my face and punks me here. I will regain some faith in the community.


Bobman I’m sorry I got mad at you in the past and will be nice to you in the future because this is a great post and you deserve it

Is the FidgetUK ban likely to be reversed / FidgetUK reinstated anytime soon, given the vote? Thx

I can’t remember his being a case of esculating bans - his was, more or less, straight to perma




Unban fidget please


Is a simple majority in a poll enough to undo a mod’s action?

Oh fuck lol I’ve paid so little attention to the actual bannings part of this I didn’t even notice. I thought he was taking a hiatus of his own volition.

I mean, one of the biggest cheerleaders on Team Proud Non-Reader Rhodes Scholar ____ is a mf named Trolly McTrollson.


Yes that the whole point of a poll of the community.

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Weird how you aren’t going for a sabo ban.

@moderators please unban fidget.



I honestly think that every poster should have a thread and associated ongoing poll in About Unstuck asking should this poster be permabanned. If they ever crack 50%, BAM! Would solve a lot of problems imo.


Converted to 2 week ban with credit for time served