Leaving on that midnight train for Georgia Runoff

So they both lost by 6 points

Good times.


For good luck!

The jammies kill me every time.


Go Green. I brake for all animals except Wolverines.

It seems like you think the odds are worse than a tossup now?

We need a needle to represent Riverman’s feelings throughout the day.


What is the reason for this mistrust? A response to discrimination?

I’m voting for Ossoff and Warnock because I want a divided government after Trump proves the Democrats did the voter fraud and stays in office


No worries dude. We’re doing a major dump at 4am.


I got the suitcases. No one will notice except for that damn pesky security camera!

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She looks like Blair from The Facts of Life. Which is fine if it’s 1985. But it’s 2021.


So this counting/tabulating should go pretty fast if they’ve already been matching signatures and counting ballots right?

She looks like the woman in Season 1 of The Handmaid’s Tale that the one-eyed handmaid has to give her baby to.

Basically hearing people don’t understand what it’s like to be deaf.


Yeah, but I would still expect the large metro counties to still be counting into tomorrow.

Kinda. If a deaf person decides on their own, most deaf people are fine with it. Your body, your choice. The bigger issue is when the hearing parent gets a CI for their child without the child’s consent. A CI will not fix hearing.

Oh and the surgery doesn’t always work. I know a dude that wore hearing aids and got a CI. He had nonstop tinnitus in his ears for a year straight. He got the CI taken out because he couldn’t deal with it. Only problem is now he’s 100% deaf and can’t use hearing aids anymore.

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I am absolutely here for baseless speculation however, let’s kick things off



I guess that’s live in-person turnout today, which will skew Republican while other votes skew Democratic.


Right. Because urban voters know they better vote early to avoid the lines. Whereas lol lines in red counties.

Dems win both and Manchin switches parties to maintain a divided government seems like the most lol scenario, so that’s what I expect.


What’s the issue? At this stage I’m kinda ok with the notion that there’s no such thing as thought.

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