LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Doubt it. Just bog standard corporate capitalism.

What have I been up to during quarantine? Oh just re-affirming that I can get addicted to literally any video game, even the seemingly innocuous turn-based Lords of Waterdeep. The AI is easy to beat so I started going for high score a while back. The quest for 400 consumed me for a couple weeks, but now like Jordan, I shall retire. And not go play for the Wizards.

My last addiction before this was WeeWar. I don’t do balance and moderation apparently.

That attitude exists because not enough people stand up and tell those people to go fuck themselves. They’re cloistered in groups where saying and writing those things gets high-fives and laughter.

Even if they did get told to fuck off, all they do is run to their support group and complain about how oppressed they are and that there’s no freedom of speech in America because liberals have banned it.

Juanita Valdez


I missed this yesterday…


Thought I had today, the appeal of the covid/gates vaccination conspiracy is similar to the appeal of Trump in that just as Trump is a poor person’s idea of how the rich are supposed to live, so too is the COvId conspiracy appealing because it’s a stupid person’s idea of how smart people would try to control them.


… Dude. If you’re going to waste 175 hours of your life on something at least let it be good. Go play rimworld or something.

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I missed the time played part. Suz needs a healthy mmo addiction.

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The Ickabog? … hopefully The FuckWeasal makes an appearance somewhere.


This was all time better spent cleaning up the mess she made with Crimes of Grendelwald

Lol wat? MMO’s are like the worst possible thing for him. They’re basically designed to never give you a good stopping place.


Yeah but he could farm for me. I played more hours than that of Archeage last winter.


And the fact that you feel the need to ‘farm’ in a video game neatly sums up everything wrong with MMO’s. I have a job I do for money, video games are for fun. I don’t want to feel like I’m working when I’m playing video games lol.

I agree. I love the PVP in some mmos more than all other video games but the grind to be competitive gear wise means you have to have several hours a day to play.

Yeah that’s really really uncool by me. I’ve basically quit everything but indy strategy games at this point because it’s absolutely not workable for me to not be able to stop my gaming instantly and do work before returning to it.

And honestly I’m better for it. Video games are not where you should be getting your sense of competition scratched. That itch is crazy productive and should be getting scratched by work. It’s one of the most satisfying things about work as an activity, and I’m not a big fan of losing any of the things that make working even a little fun.

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Agreed, let’s ban video games until we can figure out what’s going on.


Even my hobbies in music and music production get to be job like so video games are a nice escape. I try to keep the grindy korean mmos to a minimum. Not playing anything right now until maybe New World other than Red Dead 2 but I’ve only just started that and not got too into it yet tbh.

Plant based = no animal products?

The iOS/Android app for Lords of Waterdeep is pretty good, I’ve played probably 200 games on it over the years against human opponents. Each player gets a set length of time for all their turns, say 7 days, and when it’s their turn the timer counts down against that original 7 days, kind of like a chess clock. Once they hit 0 they sit out and the AI takes over.

I recommend you don’t join games with timers over 7 days. Usually someone will forget to play and it’ll sit on their turn for 20 days. 3 or 7 days are about right.

I like raisins!