LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I have nfi about the lyrics but Italy’s is a splendid piece of music that screams ITALY at you.

Then there’s Deutschlandlied, passionate and stirring, which is basically Deutschland Uber Alles minus the banned first verse about being first in the world lol.

Americans being “half Welsh” or whatever doesn’t even mean your grandparents set foot there. Dunno about Trolly.

My wife is ~1/2 Irish and 1/2 Scottish. All her grandparents were born in the US. The main thing she inherited from the old world is that she doesn’t like the English.


She sounds almost English.


Russia’s anthem sounds so good that I begin to show pride in a country I’ve never even been to.

Czech Republic’s anthem is basically a 1 minute opera song. So it’s not easy to sing at all.

I’m a fan of Mexico’s anthem. God Save Our Queen is mostly good because of how the crowd sings it at sporting events. Canada’s isn’t bad either.

Too many people in America conflate ancestry with nationality. When I tell people I’m Irish, they always ask if I have citizenship there because they know that it’s a common error made by Americans.

Also, Brits show a tiny bit of jealousy post-Brexit when somebody has an Irish passport.

Flower of Scotland makes me proud of my national anthem :sunflower::grin:

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IIRC, that was something that became popular around WW2 to develop nationalistic feelings towards the military and country. So, it came from a bad place at the very beginning.

I have no qualms with patriotism. Nationalism, on the other hand, drives me nuts.

Is there a bright line between the two? And even if there is, I’m pretty sure it’s extremely easy to cross.

F both of them. Abolish countries.



You can have pride in your country and not think that your country is only answer to every global issue.

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One of the things I am looking forward to if my efforts to become French succeed is going from WOAT (UK) to GOAT anthem. If you’re going to do the whole nationalism nonsense, may as well turn it up to eleven.

Patriotism is pride in a philosophy or way of life that may or may not be represented by an institution. Nationalism is pride and loyalty to the institution itself regardless of what it represents.

They are not one and the same.

EDIT: kerowo nailed it

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So long as individuals form societies, polity will exist. The only way to get rid of countries would be to have one world government.

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France’s view towards immigration is very colonial. Their view on it is very similar to the GOP. Trevor Noah covered this in an extra YT video.

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Seems like a line that gets crossed basically whenever push comes to shove.

I want another word for “I’m American and I like to BBQ on 4th of July and stuff like that, but beyond that, meh” or “I’m German and like to eat disgusting sausage and wear leather shorts” and stuff like that, but never gets to the point of "I’m going to shoot you because my country says I should. " or “let’s fight you Limey bastard!”. I’m not sure there are any bright lines though, people kill each other over allegiance to sports teams ffs.

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Yeah, I’ve posted thoughts on France and its relations to non white French people elsewhere. Calling it nationalist nonsense wasn’t an endorsement beyond the fun and ludicrous song about soaking fields with blood.

(Thanks for the video, though, will have a look when I can.)

My Issue with both is the scale. Pride in a country makes no sense as no country is perfect. I’m proud of our healthcare system. I’m proud of our lack of military interventions. I am ashamed of our treatment of First Nations and our political corruption at the national level.

Being generically proud of your county has no benefit that I can see. It just leads to lazy categorization and ultimately tribalism and nationalism. As micro put it, it’s really about tricking people into supporting war.


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You are under the opinion that you can only take pride in something that is 100% pure? Do you take pride in your work? In your posting? This is ridiculous. Patriotism doesn’t mean whitewashing away the bad stuff, nor signing off on it either. I can take pride in the US National Park system and still condemn the systemic racism and sexism in our institutions.


Pride in my job doesn’t lead to war though. It’s a massive difference of degree, if not kind.

Maybe you can. I sure can’t.

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