LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Looks like if they knew what the PIT maneuver was it would have been over pretty early, or if they had realized the had 4 cars around him on an overpass and just stopped…

It will surprise absolutely no one from Louisville that this started with some white dude from Shively

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Checking in on the courts as they get more conservative

Supreme Court’s role is evident in how the federal appeals courts, which take their cue from the high court, treat qualified immunity. In an unprecedented analysis of appellate court records, Reuters found that since 2005, the courts have shown an increasing tendency to grant immunity in excessive force cases – rulings that the district courts below them must follow. The trend has accelerated in recent years. It is even more pronounced in cases like Leija’s – when civilians were unarmed in their encounters with police, and when courts concluded that the facts could convince a jury that police actually did use excessive force.

In the cases it accepts, the court nearly always decides in favor of police. The high court has also put its thumb on the scale by repeatedly tweaking the process. It has allowed police to request immunity before all evidence has been presented. And if police are denied immunity, they can appeal immediately – an option unavailable to most other litigants, who typically must wait until after a final judgment to appeal.

“You get the impression that the officers are always supposed to win and the plaintiffs are supposed to lose,” University of Chicago law professor William Baude said. In his research, Baude has found that qualified immunity, as a doctrine, enjoys what he calls “privileged status” on the Supreme Court, which extends to cases the court decides without even hearing arguments – a relatively rare occurrence. In such cases, the court disproportionately reversed lower courts’ denials of immunity.

That’s of course bad not only for poor black people, who will continue getting murdered by cops with impunity, but also for Trump’s political opponents if he wins re-election. These stooges will never reign in Bill Barr’s Justice Department when the sham investigations and indictments start (roughly November 4th, 2020).

I’ve been fiddling with this Julian day calculator (don’t ask why), and I really love the way it authoritatively tells me that the 4th of August, 3,287 BC was a Thursday. Because no, it absolutely was not.

I realize it also wasn’t actually the 4th of August, or 3,287. Retroactively applying dates gets a bit weird. But those divisions are meaningful and tied to absolute astronomical time. Thursday is not. Thursday is completely fucking arbitrary. wtf NASA?

Back then in Sumaria we called it Kromsday.

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They’re just doing mod 7 on the days between and picking the corresponding day of the week.


In America we are taught that fascist Germany was defeated by USA#1 with a little bit of assistance from our friends the UK at the battle of Normandy. The idea that the USSR lost 20 million people stopping the Nazis is incomprehensible to us. It’s not a thing we are taught in high school. America stopped the Nazis, that’s what we are taught.

Also, the Red Army Choir just fucking slaps*. All the time. They produce absolute bangers**.

Even in the 1980s at the height of the Cold War in the US, there was within the US an incredible respect for Russian choral music. idk if you’ve seen the movie The Hunt For Red October, but there’s this amazing scene where the Russians belt out the Soviet national anthem and it’s so great. It’s an American Hollywood movie loaded with propaganda, but at the same time, we definitely respected the anthem:

As someone who is half Welsh, I understand the tactical importance of men’s vocal choirs in times of battle. I mean, if you can sing out national anthems in a manly way, you are sure to defeat your enemies.

  • “slaps” = creates great music.

** “bangers” = great popular music songs.


Stalin was just a useful evil idiot for the Allies.

What? That’s been under the radar for a while.

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Televangelist Jim Bakker recently suffered a stroke, according to a Facebook post Friday by his wife, Lori. As a result, the 80-year-old preacher will be taking what’s described as a “sabbatical” from his television show.

“For many years now, Jim has been working non-stop, working hard to bring incredible prophets and guests to our show, discovering and developing new products to share … and bringing forth the message for the days that we are living in. All of these projects, and the vigorous warfare that we have experienced in the last several weeks, have taken a huge toll on Jim’s health,” said the Facebook post.

Thoughts and prayers,

… no scratch that - I hope you die.


I’ve always stated that The Star-Spangled Banner is a horrible national anthem that should be replaced.

I’ll take basically every other anthem I know over America’s.

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Is there a good anthem? Canada’s sucks too.

I’m pretty sure that at some point someone made a hard attempt at changing it to my country tis of thee. +1 to the anthem being awful. It sounds bad and to add insult to injury is almost unsingable. It requires you to have a really huge range, which is ridiculous for something people are supposed to be singing en masse.

Incorrect. O Canada is awesome.


USA anthem should just be Stars and Stripes Forever. Words are unnecessary. Just get a band to play it.

(Just ignore the fact that there actually are written lyrics and that they are terrible.)

USAs anthem should just be a melody of corporate jingles at this point.


It’s religious and patriotic. Two things I think are generally toxic. Of course, those are the themes of most anthems which is why I think they all kind of suck.

I especially dislike the whole singing the anthem before sporting events thing. It makes me feel gross every time.