LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.


Apparently there are HOA type entities here and they can be as bitchy as in America.

Supposedly I’ve been disobeying a policy for the last year and just haven’t been told about it until recently or have not understood complaints due to them being in Czech (the nature of language barriers). It’s complete bullshit but it is a technicality in their rules. So, gotta obey for the time being.

I’m cool with the head of the association though and the complainer is a notorious asshole. Should be able to put my shoe rack back outside my flat door soonish.

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AOC is promoting the vote for Biden fight later strategy everyday now. Must be breaking the brains of some of the posters here.

I mean it makes sense to say that. Fighting him now may reduce turnout and lead to Trump winning.

Of course. It’s the only logical play as many of us have been saying for months. Just interesting that some of the people on here who are the biggest boosters of AOC also called us idiots for making the same argument previously.

Really? I’m surprised. It’s GE101 to unite behind your leader, no ifs no buts, at least until after the election.

It was mostly back when it was common to claim Biden had dementia as well.

Right. So let’s hammer Biden for his dementia (that he didn’t have) so as not to draw unnecessary attention to it and away from Trump. Sure fire way to maximise D votes.

People are rightfully frustrated that they’ve gone down this road over and over again and when the Democrat wins, they rule like a Republican. It’s only natural at some point to say fuck this shitty system and stop playing the game. The only reason I voted for Biden this time is because Trump is orders of magnitude worse than a bog standard shitty Republican. If Biden was running against Romney I would have sat out.

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Well yeah. This election is really like no other and the time to take a principled stance against MOR washout candidates will come.

I seriously doubt it.


Your position is that Biden has already been pushed left.

Some sweet summer children think Biden is going to be pushed left.

No one is going to be mad at AOC for her hail mary plans when that’s all we’ve got. There’s no indication that she has unrealistic expectations. She’s just going to do the best she can.


2p2 seems to be grindingly slow since last night for some reason.

The servers went to Nebraska to see Drumpf.


Well now I switched to my cel hotspot and it seems fine. Is it really slow for anyone else?

Ok maybe it’s still slow on the hotspot.

In the states you just click and it’s at your door the next day. It’s stupidly convenient to the point where I try to limit it and support local stores as much as possible because I don’t want them to die.

? They give you a total including shipping and tax before you pay. I’ve got prime so basically everything ships next day for free. I use amazon way too much for how shitty they are as a company, but it’s a tough habit to break, especially in a pandemic.

And their streaming tv shows and movies are great

Yeah this is it. Everything else they supply I can get from someone else (albeit at a price) and stick two fingers up at them, but they have exclusive rights to some TV series and films.

Hey, no kink-shaming in here.

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