LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I’ve said this before, but I’m not a good marksman. I’m more likely to use explosives or poison than guns.

I am from SW Connecticut and you are 10,000% right on your assessment. Children are a reflection of their parents and are managed as employees while being bribed with material goods and status. It’s gross.


Lol rich assholes. You really have to watch the embedded video.

Schwartz issued a statement that the dispute was “very upsetting” to her because the sculpture, with its assorted blue pieces, was bought for her by Gross because her mother was ill.

“Since I have no children of my own, they are like my babies. My mother, who has Alzheimer’s, and I pray to them and she enjoys looking at them because it’s her favorite color and makes her smile,” she said in the statement.

Around the same time, he went through an acrimonious divorce from his second wife, with both sides obtaining restraining orders and Sue Gross accusing him of turning over a separate Laguna Beach home to her in “utter chaos and disrepair,” including infusing it with puke and fart smells dispensed from spray bottles. In a mea culpa, Gross admitted in a Financial Times interview last year that he bought the spray at a drugstore and wasn’t even sure why he did it, though he alluded to the strain of a divorce that had gotten “very ugly.”

EDIT: Slow pony :frowning:

No way any of the people involved could be arseholes.

“Since I have no children of my own, they [the sculptures] are like my babies."

wild, if true

It’s interesting that when having a discussion irl the normal tendency is to assume the best faith interpretation of your discussion partner’s position but when having one online, people generally assume the worst faith one. I don’t really understand the psychology of this phenomena. It sure leads to a lot of very bad outcomes though.

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Online everyone hates everyone else. More or less.

Really? I like most people on here.

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I used to. I still like you though. :slight_smile:

Maybe I’m just in a bad mood.

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It’s an interesting phenomena. I think a lot of it can be accounted by the verbal vs nonverbal, and the intent vs impact nature of communication.

Compared to IRL communication, online is missing non-verbal communication: body language and tone. Some people claim that these two non-verbal components account for as much as 93% of interpersonal communication. Regardless, online communication is limited to verbal language, which is just a fraction of total communication.

Human language most likely evolved as a method of internal computing and self talk. It’s something like 95%+ of our language usage is simply our internal dialogue. On the other hand, non-verbal communication evolved as a method of communicating with others. Essentially, our non verbal communication abilities that evolved to express ourselves and understand each other are invisible during online interactions, and all that remains is a small fraction(verbal) that evolved to communicate within ourselves.

This creates a compound effect online. The people that we are communicating with not only do not receive any of our nonverbal communication; they are left inferring what our nonverbal communication would be in the exchange.


Another big issue is that IRL is played as an iterated game, so to speak, while online there’s no reason to play things that way.

At the bar, or at work, or at the mall, or pretty much anywhere, you are going to have to deal with those folks again y/o aren’t usually well served by having a rep of being a dick. Even in a fully on-line relationship for work. or something equally serious, you aren’t well served acting in a way you wouldn’t act in person.


The avatars don’t help.


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I posted in STTF for like 10 years before it dried up and I searched for greener pastures. Almost no one ever got mad at anyone else ever there. I moved to OOT and it was full of assholes. Seeking more posting I moved to politics and it was even more full of assholes.

It’s not that it’s online. It’s that we’re assholes.


It’s 100% true that if you only know a colleague from online and phone calls, you will treat them completely differently than if you’ve met once IRL. It’s why I have my doubts about forming fully online new teams. If you worked together for a while, then go online, it’s fine.

I sort of understand your point. Having said that I would be shocked if I met say JT or microbet and either of them disappointed me in rl. I’d totally trust them in an apocalypse.

I meant to say you’ll treat them better. It rarely goes the other way. With a nod to George Carlin:

Phone: Who does this person think they are?
IRL: Ok, I see your point.

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Ok that makes sense.