LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I can’t imagine destroying my body before 20 for Squash or Rowing. These mediocre fail children have the broken bodies of 30 year old NFL players because mommy and daddy needed them to get into an Ivy and their grades alone were never going to do it. They didnt get a normal childhood, the uni experience will suck and gl after that.

You’re all making the same mistake.

Zarapochka thinks everyone is doing it because they want what is best for their kids.
You and Riverman think everyone is doing it for status.

The true answer is that there are some of both types of parents doing this stuff. But no matter the reason, for the vast majority of kids, it’s not great.

I’ve been surrounded by these people my whole life basically and I can assure you the parents aren’t doing this because of some kind of well-meaning but ultimately misguided desire to help their children.

The amount of time and money some of my friends spend on hockey is insane. Summer tournaments and shit. They are always going to a hockey tournament. Kids are like 10-13 years old.

There’s a significant distinction between encouraging your kids to play sports and pushing them beyond their limit without considering their welfare to get into college on an athletic scholarship in order to impress your neighbors.

Nobody is discrediting parents doing the former. My cousins from a family in the top 10% got into hockey young and loved playing but they were never pushed to play in order to get into Harvard on an athletic scholarship.

But I’ve met their neighbors and they’re status-seeking whores who do nothing but brag about their kids’ accomplishments to make the people around them jealous.

That’s your sample. It’s not like you’ve met every single set of parents who does this. I’ve met some that are absolutely doing it out of a desire to help their kids. Sometimes they’re even doing it for both reasons.

Well if this is your definition, then your position is basically a truism.

I mean, even if they’ve sincerely convinced themselves its for their kids, it absolutely is not.



jfc I thought Bill Murray died at first.

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“Yea but, not all of them are terrible” is probably the most tired and boring point a person could make.

Eat Shit Bob.


I know, right. Stereotyping is awesome!

It’s not like I’m talking about one isolated example here. I’d say at the very least 1/3 of the families I’ve met that do some version of this (i.e. encourage their kids to pursue niche sports or other interests to get into a better college or to get a scholarship) really think they’re doing it for their kid’s own good and aren’t doing it for status. If you guaranteed their kid acceptance at Harvard, but you told them they would be sentenced to live in a trailer park for the entire time their kid was there, they would snap accept.

LOL - seriously. Would you like to come to a hotel meeting room where you’ll be effectively trapped for 2 hours? Does that sound appealing?

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I was wondering why that name and occupation sounded familiar.

Feedback? Thx.

I skimmed about half of it before I got distracted with something else because I am representative of the 21st century and I have the attention span of a fruit fly. But I like Boots Riley a lot and I’m going to assume it would have been a good read if I had the discipline to pay attention to anything longer than a 2 panel meme.

Huh. OK? He argues that capitalism puts black people in lower classes and compares the crime rates with guns to those with higher salaries with guns and even though all the white people have the guns the crime rates are still higher with the poors. I read it awhile ago but pretty sure that’s the premise. Sorry I post stuff that can be ignored. I’ll try harder.

I thought that article was great and a shitty review or critique by Zik. He’s mad I was flagging all d2’s posts last night still I guess.

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