LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

You can definitely make a lot of money as a socialist poster compared to a resistance lib. Not like his podcast got cancelled as a result or anything.

Posting a bunch of pictures of his deplorable family when he’s never been a deplorable himself as a way to own him, that’s pretty damn weak.

Libs just mad that someone with a platform got radicalized by everyone right of Bernie absolutely laying down for the establishment.

You’re a clown suzzer

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What the fuck are you talking about?

Lol if they ever get first past the pole voting the Green Party will get the same number of votes it does now. They’re a product of this stupid system as much as the major political parties.

who the fuck is ryan knight


Whatev’s hero apparently. Socialist trustafarian who’s voting 3rd party because his life will be AWESOME either way. I think he has some popular “so far left he has no choice but to give Trump and torturing children half a vote” podcast.

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Not a grifter, even though his patreon is linked right in his profile along with a request to “support my work” while no one can figure out exactly wtf that is.

Also not a podcaster, even though there a link to that too with an episode posted from four days ago.

marsha blackburn regularly posts the dumbest bullshit on the internet and her commenters are literally dumber than dirt but hooo boy this thread just took it to new levels

Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 5.10.21 PM

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A+ shade


:joy: :joy: :joy:


lol That sprinkler is more effective than I would have imagined.


She’s a witch is why.

lol that hose has +5 Knockdown, like fire hose levels of effectiveness in a standard garden hose. She can’t even crimp it, it won’t be denied :no_good_woman:

A Tale of Two Titties


Yes that was his idea that he was very proud of. Sadly, Lake Titicaca is in South America.

Update: Australian Federal Police are now investigating money wired to Australia from the Vatican by a guy named Cardinal Becciu, a now-disgraced Cardinal mixed up in a bunch of corruption scandals. Becciu was apparently considered Pell’s arch-rival in internal Vatican politics and Italian newspapers reported last month that he had wired money to Australia to bribe Pell’s accusers to testify against him.

The Australian has revealed Vatican prosecutors are investigating almost double the original amount of reported unauthorised transfers from the Holy See secretariat, starting with $415,000 in February 2017… It is alleged a second payment from the Vatican secretariat came in May 2017, a month before Victoria Police announced the charges against Cardinal Pell, who declared his innocence at a press conference in Rome… Third and fourth payments totalling $1.3 million from the Vatican secretariat were allegedly wired to Australia in December 2017 and June 2018, The Australian reports.

Australia’s financial crime watchdog AUSTRAC has confirmed it has passed information to the Australian Federal Police police about the allegations of money transfers.

AUSTRAC CEO Nicole Rose told a Senate estimates committee on Monday she had “provided [information] to the AFP and to Victoria Police”.

Who knows, maybe this is bullshit and maybe Pell is guilty still, but I’m feeling good about not jumping aboard team “fuck it let’s just assume he’s guilty”. Not having a go at Riverman in particular as this was a widespread attitude in Australia at the time of the trial as well - including among the jury, which is why the High Court overturned the verdict.

Without looking at the specifics, these cases are obviously tough. They’re played out in the media. A ton of people just like him have gotten away with similar crimes for decades. Evidence looks “good enough.”

The evidence presented at trial was pretty bad, I’ll just quote the post I made at the time:

With regard to the robes, they cant be parted - you have to lift them up like a dress - and they’re heavy and bulky, so this part of the accuser’s testimony was odd, because you’d think he’d remember the struggles Pell would need to go through to expose himself. The prosecution provided no explanation for these deficiencies in their account of what happened. Pell was convicted solely on this account from a single accuser, that was the entirety of the prosecution’s case. This is just not “good enough” evidence and the High Court were correct to rule that there is manifestly reasonable doubt about Pell’s guilt.

Holy fuck Matt Yglesias. Goodbye.

Fuck :frowning: