LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Is that the 494/694 exchange?

I moved away from MN in 2000, can’t say I’ve been missing it…

Was the zip merge involved?


394 west coming out of downtown. Thankfully I have a carpool pass thing so I got to blow by all the stopped cars on the main highway

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Checkmate global warming!


I’ve never watched an episode of Seinfeld in my life, but between 2p2 and UP I estimate I must have seen about 90% of the show as there seems to be a Seinfeld clip for every situation.

fwiw my favourite so far is the one about eating snickers bars with cutlery.




Crazy eyed grifters. That dude creeps me out from still photos. Jesus look at those eyes.


Sister looks like a good egg tho

I don’t know anything about Ryan Knight beyond seeing people attack him on twitter for advocating third party votes, but like… don’t all of our families also support Trump?

Seems like a really weak attack.


Is this the thread where we post links about Toobin’s junk?

And how!


Zero deplorables in my immediate family, it’s possible I have an uncle or two who will vote Trump but if they are they don’t flaunt it.

Same. That’s because our families are fundagelical christians. (Sorry if I’m confusing you with someone else)

I keep holding out hope on this. For example, a few years ago my pro-life mom told me that she was against overturning Roe v Wade. Gave me some hope.

I agree with your underlying assessment that we’re living in different realities though.

All of whose families? Afaik not a single Trump supporter in my family. He was burned in effigy at one Thanksgiving.


That sounds super relaxing. Not that my family is super right wing or anything, they’re just very toxic lol.

No deplorables in my family either. My parents were literally Kennedy donkeys. They were anti-war, pro-civil rights, and environmentalists. My dad was a mainstream environmental activist: Sierra Club, Audubon Society. He ran (and lost) for county donkey central committee during the Kennedy era, and would check the the straight party line box on the ballot, if CA had such a thing.

Since it’s too late, I can reveal how I could have “created” two of the three votes for the stupid potato that I earlier bragged about.

My sister and niece, who are primary citizens of another country, who don’t live in the US, don’t have any intention of ever living in the US going forward, and in my niece’s case have never lived in the US period… both hold US passports. Even though their US vote would be wholly illegitimate, and even though my sister, and my niece AFAIK, have never voted in their own country’s elections, even though it is legally mandated that they do there…

They both really wanted to vote for the stupid potato, and surely would have if I’d (legally) facilitated that process for them.

Great system going

The people taking care of the kids separated from their immigrant parents

Ms. Acevedo was just settling into the role when things suddenly became more chaotic, in the late summer of 2017. Unlike the teenagers she was used to working with, who had intentionally crossed the border alone, the separated children who began to arrive were inconsolable when they reached her. Each new one seemed to traumatize the rest all over again. “It was horrible,” she said. “We could not do work. It was just a classroom full of crying kids all day.”

Many of the parents of children on her caseload ended up being deported, ending any hope of a quick reunion. When that happened, she would meet with her fellow caseworkers and staff therapists, sometimes for hours, to discuss how to break the news to the child. They used pictures and puppets to illustrate the distance between the United States and countries like Guatemala. And they spoke in intentionally vague terms to avoid making false promises about when the children might be able to see their parents again, after learning the hard way that even those who were barely old enough to talk would latch on to any concrete expectation.

“We would have to say, ‘In many, many days you will be reunited with your parent, but we have to do a lot of paperwork,’ ” she told me, mimicking the soft voice she would use with an upset child. “The kids would still be like, ‘O.K., when am I going?’ They would start crying and it wasn’t just tears, it was screams.”

Parents who were in detention would call to ask whether they should give up their asylum claims, as Constantin’s father had. They said they had been promised they would get their children back. Ms. Acevedo would tell them she had received no such assurance from the federal government and could not advise them on how to proceed. “The parents would sign in desperation and then, the next thing you know, they would call me from their home country and say, ‘I’m here, where’s my child? Give me my child back.’”

Most days after work, she cried in her car before she left the parking lot. She checked the news on her phone constantly, watching CNN until she went to bed, hoping to find out when the family separations would end. In her dreams she would file a piece of paperwork late or incorrectly, and a child would be kept from going home.

After all the children in her care were reunited with their parents, she quit her job and took several months off work. Even now, she tries not to think about those months. “When I left,” she said, “I didn’t want to turn back to that.”


Here’s Ryan in 2019. $omehow he got the 3rd party come to Jesus feeling in a year and a half.

Being cozy with the deplorable brother is just a potential data point. As is this:

I know I’d be taking lots of happy face pics with that family member.

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