LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

It’s not 100% literal. I tore down the walls along time ago and some of them can’t be rebuilt permanently.

I mean how you picture either gender with random visuals is pretty thought provoking.

I thought it was pretty funny someone thought I was a Euro because Ricky Rubio was a futbol player I guess.

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I’d be curious to see you elaborate on this.

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I sure hope you all imagine me as roy jones jr (and his giant dong) and not a 5’9" 140lb white guy



I saw one of those too and took a picture of it thinking about posting it but I didn’t post it.

Go on.


I’m not balding and my voice is significantly higher pitched.

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I clicked the link. One of the other headlines on that website was “why my wife and I decided to abort our gay unborn son”


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you never heard of the federalist before?

man I’m jealous

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I’ve heard of it. I have never delved into its treasures

They are the organization that chooses all of our judges when Republicans are in power. Those judges get lifetime appointments.

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The Federalist is not associated with The Federalist Society.

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It’s somehow worse.

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Ah, thanks. My bad.


Boris Johnson begins his speech by thanking members for campaigning during the last election “to save this country from socialism”.

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The Radical Left apparently.


Whatever exactly is happening in Kyrgyzstan sounds fun.

[Cliffs - disputed election results, protests, government buildings taken over, president on the run.]

Opposition forces in Kyrgyzstan were stunningly rapid in seizing key government buildings, something that happened hours after police attempted to break up a protest rally, but they are proving less enthused about taking over a country deep in the throes of instability and economic crisis.

Almambet Shykmamatov, a candidate with the Bir Bol party, announced to the media that he was the acting General Prosecutor. Nobody quite knows who gave him the authority to claim that title. Toward the middle of the morning, a large crowd headed to the offices of the General Prosecutor, apparently to take issue with his appointment.

Shykmamatov then rowed back his claim to the prosecutor’s job.

“I want to clear up this issue. Nobody appointed me prosecutor general, I was not the prosecutor general. I only visited the Prosecutor General’s Office,” he said.


They have played an outsized role in the city’s eviction system. Reviewing the first 4,500 landlord-tenant cases filed in 2019, DCist found Stephens and Buck served the summonses in about 2,650 of them—almost 60 percent. No other process server came close.

Oddly, however, the two men almost never managed to find the tenants they were hired to serve. Despite the requirement that he make a diligent effort to serve tenants in person—visiting their apartments twice, on different days, if no one answers the first time—Buck reported, in roughly 990 eviction cases, that not a single person answered the door. According to affidavits that Stephens filed, out of roughly 1,660 cases in the first two months of 2019, he only managed to serve 11 people in person.

And in one instance, Stephens swore that he contacted more than 15 D.C. tenants in a two-hour period, when he was actually in a courtroom in Maryland, facing a charge of driving while impaired.

Infuriating article of the day (so far).


Anyone know what kind of spider this is?

The kind that turns my wife from a high powered feminist executive to a screeching damsel in distress.



Found it in my driveway this morning. Took the pic before I ran over it with my daughter’s bike. The crunch was audible. Yuck.

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