LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

There were actually a reasonable amount of yang → trumpers. Dont ask me how, people are stupid. Maybe because he didnt talk about social issues much or they want money but not services? I dont know people dont make sense

Other than that yeah I know what you’re talking about with the fake centrist but love everything trump does or only bitches about Democrats

A lot of stupid people buy the “outsider” narrative. Both Yang and Trump lean into this pretty hard.

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And Tulsi Gabbard, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Elon Musk, Ross Perot, any Libertarian, etc. etc. etc.


It’s not that complicated, they are low information voters who know just enough to realize that the people currently in Washington do not have their best interests anywhere on their minds. Many of them were Democrats if they are old enough because Dixiecrats are a thing. Then there are the libertarians who were raised ‘liberal’, usually by mushy centrists.

There’s a very real group of super disaffected voters who voted for Trump because they wanted to lob a grenade at the establishment. Those people absolutely loved Yang and it didn’t require much of a shift from them. They never cared much about any of the particulars of Trumps plans, only that he was going to drain the swamp and didn’t appear to be a career establishment politician. Yang checked all the same boxes and had a plan that would have actually helped them. A big part of why I was such a huge Yang fan was that I could see how good he was at communicating with GOP core voters of a particular type. I genuinely think he could have made whites without a college degree competitive if he had won the nomination and would have won in a massive landslide.

The sad truth is that when the Democrats talk about helping working people there are an awful lot of working people who don’t believe them, at all. Our candidate was the point of the spear on an awful bankruptcy bill, an awful criminal justice bill, and generally has spent his entire career representing special interests. We don’t deserve those people’s trust tbh, we’ve screwed them basically every time we’ve had an opportunity for decades.


Oh yeah sure. And you’d probably see people that move around among those people because there is a certain appeal.

Not sure how Tulsi sells herself as an outsider, wasn’t her dad a mega establishment political force in Hawaii?

She has that “I might be a little bit crazy for real” cred.

I agree that being a former Vice Chair of the DNC shouldn’t exactly make you an outsider, but she has enough non mainstream views and she pops off against “the establishment” enough that I guess it works for some people.

As far as her family,

  1. Being well known in Hawaii doesn’t necessarily translate to national prominence, so you can still claim outsider status by virtue of not being from Washington and having a non traditional background.

  2. Her Dad is a successful politician, but he also has some pretty heterodox views. He made his bones fighting against marriage equality (which I think he still opposes, while Tulsi has evolved…), was initially elected as a Republican, but now runs as a Democrat because he wants to be in the majority. So, a bit of a non standard story.

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Rando moron’s message request I must have pissed off in June.

You ignorant little fuck , the guys a 33rd degree mason and hes there for a reason you fuck…fuck hillary and trump you idiot

Cathedral Ledge NH on Labor Day

And how do you get those flags out there? Of course, a canoe. Why didn’t I think of that…

  • Same photographer credit as first photo


One of my favorite video series on youtube, largely because I forget about it until 9/21. Dude said he was pretty much done with this series, but if he could raise 50k for a few choice charities of his he would continue.

at 200k right now



That might of been the greatest thing I’ve ever seen.

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That’s fantastic.

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GOAT TV show

Should probably put this in the cop thread, but it doesn’t really fit…

still disgusting.

I hope she wins $8,000,000,000,000,001

That should be in the uprising thread. Cops to all sorts of shitty non-violent stuff too. They’re privy to all sorts of information that can readily be abused.

Cops rip off people, both perps and victims, this way, sometimes violently. Extortion is a thing. The BYU cops are getting de-certified for using confidential info to enforce the church honor codes.

But the most heinous abuse is stalking, sexual abuse, and domestic violence. Trying to divorce a cop, or refusing to date a cop, can be very, very dangerous.


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