LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Hahahaha that’s hilarious. Remember that Amazon is better at restructuring profits out of existence than anyone ever.

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Not a huge Michael Moore fan but I’m looking forward to this.

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I can’t find the thread for complaining about posters that have successfully trolled you but Anachronistic should be quarantined to NBA threads

As a person who has recovered from alcoholism and addiction through the 12 steps, and thus has a belief in a power greater than myself as I understand it, I say with all sincerity: I hope that guy gets hit by a truck. And now I’m going to have to write inventory on the fucking My Pillow jackass.

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This thing is amazing


My local Thai restaurant told me that when you order from those apps they take a pretty big percentage of the order.

We stopped using the apps.

What is going on here?

Yeah, it’s like 25%+.

I did it. I unfollowed Matt Yglesias. Where’s my cookie.


Well this wins the internet today


At least in NYC, so many restaurants ONLY take orders via Grubhub/etc. Not much you can do then.


  • New York Dem primaries haven’t happened yet
  • New York Board of Elections decides it will remove the names of all of the candidates who have suspended their campaigns from the ballot (which leaves Biden as the only major candidate, means other folks like Bernie have a harder time getting delegates, downballot races get weird b/c of lower overall turnout)
  • Yang sues partially b/c he is personally mad as a candidate, but also b/c he thinks it’s a bad decision and he has standing to challenge…

How is a citizen supposed to follow the law if they can‘t find out what the law actually is?

In an LDO decision that obviously went 5-4

The composition of that split is interesting though.

The decision came down to a 5–4 split between the court’s youngest five justices (John Roberts, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh) and its four oldest members (Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Stephen Breyer, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg).

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Yeah it really is.

Your reward cannot been seen nor touched but I promise it can be felt

RBG, Alito, Thomas and Breyer

I missed that part which makes this decision even weirder.