LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Well Ok, they ignore them as relevant criticisms because (in the example @Smacc_25 posted) her reply would be something along the lines of “Well that’s ok for other countries to allow lots of immigrants but we don’t want that here”.

Contradiction dismantled!


No but all they care about is you getting the fuck out, not where you go.

it’s a dry heat

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I’ve been telling the Trumpkins on Nextdoor who complain so much about our state: California, love it or leave it!


Keep them in CA until we get rid of the electoral college

Working on secession. You’re on your own.

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This has been my favorite line of the last year or so.

“If you don’t like it, leave!”

Gets an enrage response almost every time.


Lol @ measured moderation and silent strength. Like, this isn’t so much a description of actual white male cultural characteristics as it is a description of how white males perceive themselves.

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Stay with it - some of their quotes are quite moving.


Meanwhile in Portugal

Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa has helped rescue two women who came into difficulty at an Algarve beach when their canoe capsized.

The president, 71, was pictured on Saturday swimming over to the kayakers who were struggling in the water.

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It’s not a contradiction guys. What the nationalists believe is that everyone who lives in the nation should be similar along the axes that matter to them. So it’s not inconsistent to say that people who oppose the country’s leaders should leave, but that people who are different shouldn’t come.

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Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. It’s futile to present it as a gotcha contradiction because it is not a contradiction to them. Sane people present this kind of argument all the time like it’s a gotcha, because to sane people that genuinely believe in equality the positions that nationalists hold appear to be contradictory.


Right. But you’d swear the boxes are rotating until you watch and they never actually do.

Talk shit, get hit vol. XXXIII


Speaking of Shapiro, wow at this.

I love how deplorables instinctively blurt that out when you complain about America.

I crack up inside when I respond “I already have.” because it’s the last response they expect to hear and they’re momentarily stunned as though they never thought anybody would willingly leave America.

Some are smart enough to counter with, “Then you have no right to complain.” which I counter by saying that I have every right to complain about the mess created by your country, the one which I no longer live in and no longer have any responsibility to protect, defend, or feel proud of in any way.

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I could well have sat next to him on a bus in Brighton around a year ago. Same look, same voice, same spiel and also same mannerisms … there’s definitely a tick in there - some form of tourettes. There’s more to this guy than just racism - there’s mental illness in there too. No one on my bus punched him but wouldn’t of blamed them if they had.

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Moose actually are dangerous, but I’m sure @ChrisV would have a snicker.

Anyone have the talent to turn this into a gif with subtitles?