LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Wouldn’t that be lean up, not lean over?

Though of course that wouldn’t rhyme.

Wouln’t rhyme and I guess if she’s on top it can be seen as leaning over.

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In standard missionary, it would be vertical, but who knows how Cardi and Meg get down :)

Puts Bill Clinton’s charm in a whole new light.

Up, down or sideways?

Lol that’s the exact opposite of what she’s saying. She’s saying you better come strapped and know how to use it. And have good credit, and buy her a car and a phone. But the WAP makes it all worth it.

She does suggest that she’ll do a lot of the work - getting on top, writing the alphabet with her butt while doing it doggy style (another great line).

Cardi B and I could be awesome friends because even in my drunkest, e-rolling moment I’d never even think about coming at her with my average-ass man-meat.

I had a good friend/party buddy in LA like that. Gorgeous blonde, about 5’11 who basically told me drunk one night that she needs a huge cock. She said she knows it’s a bad sign if a new guy goes down on her right away because he’s trying to compensate for what he’s not gonna bring.

We partied hard together for about 10 years and I never even thought about hitting on her - even saw her naked a bunch of times and we made out a few times just for stupidity.

*I really don’t think this counts as a humble brag since I never got laid and it’s specifically because I was sure I wouldn’t measure up.

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“Ladies have come up with all these expressions to reassure men. “Oh, honey, it’s not the size of the ship, it’s the motion of the ocean.” That may be true, but it takes a long time to get to England in a rowboat.”

— Jeff Foxworthy

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I’m not saying a giant cock is essential for every woman (thankfully). I’m saying it’s essential for Cardi B and my friend.

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Yeah or like when your mom tells you the other kids are just jealous of your orthopedic shoes, and that’s why they make fun. Sure mom.

I lived with two female roommates for a year. I got to be a fly on the wall for all the conversations between them and all their friends. The shit they tell men vs. the what they say to each other about them is just a tad different.

It was a great experience. At age 30 I finally had a slight understanding of women that was never there before. And I mean that in a good way. It’s just two different cultures.

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Similar experience. In my late 20’s I was the only guy in a sales office of ~20 people with a female boss and all female coworkers and access to drink champagne on the clock. Eye opening and insightful.

Very True. My post wasn’t meant to directly address what you were saying. I just remember it because it’s the only time Jeff Foxworthy ever made me lol IRL.

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This is true, but then again men talk a load of insincere shit to each other too.

what, and I cannot emphasize this enough, the fuck

Guess youre not familiar with Baltimore club.

I had a platonic friend once tell me that the size of the penis doesn’t matter at all (pause) as long as it isn’t too small.


my experience with talking to women about it, women i had sex with and women i didn’t. Was that too small as in very small would be an issue, but anything average is going to be fine. Certainly some women prefer bigger ones just like some men prefer bigger breasts or something. Plenty of women can’t orgasm from only penetration anyways, so whether the woman gets off and finds it pleasurable is going to come down to alot more than that, not the least of which is foreplay.

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Kids these days with their fancy cryobanks. Old school lesbians had to get by with a turkey baster and an “Uncle who isn’t really your Uncle, little Susie or Billy”

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My dinner tonight was literally a hot haddock.


Hey guys I’m back! Man it was great to get away for a few weeks. Got soooooo much accomplished. Did I miss anything fun? Everyone still up to their old antics? Cool cool.