LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Individual people can hold all sorts of contradictory ideas like this. Individual people can label themselves any which way. I’ve met plenty of folks who call themselves “libertarians” because they are pro-ACLU type stuff, and have never heard of libertarian-type-ism or the term “libertarian socialism”.

I’m not talking about these folks. I’m also not much talking about today’s lol-LP party. I’m talking about fools like D.Nolan and the Koch family and L.Ron Paul and where all the $$$ comes from to subsidize all those think tanks and “Austrian” Econ chairs.

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I saw a Gary Johnson tweet just today and it was “libertarians” tut-tutting Gary for blaming anything going on Trump.


I have a friend who sees my tweets complaining about the Koch funded Libertarians that have infected this country, aka the vast majority of those who self identify as Libertarian. He gets mad at me like I don’t know what I’m talking about. Like it or not, this is what Libertarian means in this country and it’s annoying to see LibSoc people like him get mad at me for using the common parlance instead of cleaning up their own house

Maybe, but I’m not sure cops shooting his dad leads to his immigration stance.

As microbet posted above:


A recent example of this is the term “fake news”. When this term first became popular it meant “false news”. Quickly however, the popular usage became “news produced by an enemy”. Some fool whining today when the evil toxic waste container calls a true news story “fake news” would be quite annoying indeed.

The Koch bros/etc won the propaganda war over the word “libertarian”. Time to move on.


He could make some tweets about how fake ass libertarians are making the real ones look bad but instead he complains at me for “mislabeling”

I am a simpleton and this scares me.

Even worse I tried it with my eyes closed and it always sounded like the last world I read.


What in the living fuck? I did the same thing. I scroll down, and it’s always the last one I heard.

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It alternates for me and at one point I could only hear the one I wasn’t reading, am I a freak?

I found a little trick if I think “greenstorm” or “brain needle” that is what I hear.


I think it just means you have no soul.


Read this just before that moment and heard it too, lol.

Now I can hear ‘green storm’ too. What is this effect (both the audio technique and the aural illusion aspect) if anyone knows?

What freaks me out is the ‘S’ sound in brainstorm that just flat disappears for green needle. Where did it go? Just shows how much our brain alters what we think is objective reality.

Yeah, that’s the bit that absolutely cries out for explanation.

Weird, I kept hearing ‘yanny’ and ‘laurel’.


White and gold


Now no matter which word I read I only hear “lock everyone inside and burn down the building”. Weird.

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