LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

My palms are sweating just looking at that freeze-frame from the video. No chance in hell I’m watching that lol


It reminds my older self that as a young teen I did some scary shit… We had Cliffs like those down at our holiday vacation in The Isle of Whithorn. :grin:

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That’s some intense trail running.

I mean, he might have just slipped.

There are a lot of “dangerous” things that are like you having a 5% chance of eventually dying from this if it’s your hobby. Then there are some things like base jumping, wing suit flying whatever and this where you’re probably going to die if you keep doing this sort of thing no matter how good you are at it. But, to each their own.

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That makes Katahdin’s “knife edge” trail look like a 4 lane highway in comparison.

I would definitely do that trail without a rope (looks to be a class 4) and not be worried or nervous at all, but no way in hell would I run across it like that.

Yeah, it doesn’t seem that bad if you’re not running. I’ve gone across the ridge of roofs so steep you could not stop and it is not that scary if you are slow and careful.

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These are English words but the subject matter seems foreign to me somehow

Well… the clip only lasts 41 seconds for obvious reasons.


Anyone have one of those bladeless Dyson stand alone fans that are like $500?


These are conditions that would lead to widespread resignations of public health officials in a functionally democratic country. Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown resigned less than a month after Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana. So far, most of the people who’ve been forced out of public health jobs since the pandemic began have been those advocating for more forceful and effective government action.

A Dallas Morning News poll has Abbott’s favorability dropping from 61 percent in April all the way down to … 54 percent. His numbers on his handling of the pandemic are a bit worse, as “48% now approve of the way he’s handling the virus, compared with 40% who disapprove.” Texas, meanwhile, has had more confirmed cases of Covid-19 than Iran.

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I bought one of the ■■■■■■ vacuum cleaners before he came out as an ardent Brexiter and moved his company HQ to Singapore to dodge tax.

Don’t buy Dyson.

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Whew, must have missed that article.

Jeet Heer comes out against cannibalism

So we have three major figures of the American right all speaking about the Donner Party as if the episode were not a horrific tragedy but rather an admirable character-building exercise.

This praise of the Donner Party reveals the hidden logic of the right’s opposition to the wide-scale government action needed to bring the pandemic under control. Of course, the ultimate motive is economic: a desire to avoid the huge government debts—or steeply redistributive taxation—needed to pay for a proper Covid program, including generous unemployment benefits to keep people from working unnecessary jobs.

But that economic position is intertwined with a moral system, one that sees suffering as socially necessary. “Suffering builds character” is perhaps the quickest way to sum up this worldview.

This is a very selective stoicism. After all, Limbaugh is hardly the type to join the Donner Party himself. The risks for Covid mostly fall on people who are very unlike Limbaugh: the poor and people of color. So it’s not so much that suffering builds character as suffering helps keep the lower order in line.

Even if actual flesh-eating is unlikely, cannibalism works well as a metaphor for Limbaugh’s agenda: He’s calling on other people to die so he and his wealthy friends can continue to live at ease. This is social cannibalism, if nothing else.

Biden (a few minutes ago), Bloomberg, and Bezos hacked now too

Edit: lol twitter seems to have a biggg security breach at the moment, lots of high profile accounts posting the bitcoin scam tweet

How the hell does that happen?