LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.


Correct… I was responsible for posting his tweets until a poster pointed this out to me, I’ve since not posted a single tweet of his or looked at his twitter Acc again, I do post the videos his fellow Grifters make… :blush:

I somehow missed this: STRAIGHT FIRE from the Villages News Editorial Board! Take notes NYT!!!



And to think I thought left turns would be the first to result in jail time.

Don’t worry, he’s just dealing with the never trumpers first.

I’m on the road for this Coober Pedy trip. I’m in Port Augusta right now. North of here is basically where we leave civilization behind. Calling Port Augusta “civilization” is controversial tbh but here in Straya we take what we can get.

It’s entirely possible this is the last place I’ll have reception, I’m with a network not known for its breadth of coverage. There should be wifi at places though. The plan is to stop at SPUDS ROADHOUSE at Pimba for lunch. I’ll commence my TR in a new thread I guess and link it here.


When do we get to the giant spider car thing?

Still a good 6 hours away

How bout now?

I have to pee and my sister won’t stop making faces at me.

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You be quiet or you’ll be left in the desert with the other ginger dirt.


If the two of you break down in the desert and things gets desperate, would you be willing to eat your girlfriend?

Real of Onion is tired. I propose a new game - Real or Snow Crash.

The story opens in Los Angeles in the 21st century, an unspecified number of years after a worldwide economic collapse. Los Angeles is no longer part of the United States, as the US federal government has ceded most of its power and territory to private organizations and entrepreneurs. Franchising, individual sovereignty, and private vehicles reign supreme. Mercenary armies compete for national defense contracts while private security guards preserve the peace in sovereign, gated housing developments. Highway companies compete to attract drivers to their roads and all mail delivery is by hired courier. The remnants of government maintain authority only in isolated compounds where they do tedious make-work that is, by and large, irrelevant to the society around them.

Much of the world’s territory has been carved up into sovereign enclaves, each run by its own big business franchise (such as “Mr. Lee’s Greater Hong Kong”, or the corporatized American Mafia), or various residential burbclaves — quasi-sovereign gated communities.

This arrangement resembles anarcho-capitalism, a theme Stephenson carries over to his next novel The Diamond Age. As described in both novels, and the short story “The Great Simoleon Caper” (1995), hyperinflation has sapped the value of the US dollar to the extent that trillion dollar bills—Ed Meeses—are nearly disregarded and the quadrillion dollar note—the Gipper—is the standard “small” bill. This hyperinflation was created by the government overprinting money, due to loss of tax revenues, as people increasingly began to use electronic currency, exchanged in encrypted online transactions and thus untaxable. For physical transactions, they resort to alternative currencies such as yen or “Kongbucks” (the official currency of Mr. Lee’s Greater Hong Kong). Hyperinflation has also negatively affected much of the rest of the world (with some exceptions like Japan), resulting in waves of desperate refugees from Asia who cross the Pacific in rickety ships hoping to arrive in North America.

The Metaverse, a phrase coined by Stephenson as a successor to the Internet, constitutes Stephenson’s vision of how a virtual reality–based Internet might evolve in the near future. Resembling a massively multiplayer online game (MMO), the Metaverse is populated by user-controlled avatars as well as system daemons. Although there are public-access Metaverse terminals in Reality, using them carries a social stigma among Metaverse denizens, in part because of the poor visual representations of themselves as low-quality avatars. Status in the Metaverse is a function of two things: access to restricted environments such as the Black Sun, an exclusive Metaverse club, and technical acumen, which is often demonstrated by the sophistication of one’s avatar.

1992 btw


I feel like you would appreciate this.

CONFESSION: I liked this book as a teenager. No idea what the fuck I was thinking.

I might enjoy it, but I’ve never made it more than 10 minutes into any podcast. An hour and 20 is unthinkable to me. Is there a transcript available?

Stephenson is mostly annoying to me because he clearly conveys the sense of cheeky fun he wants his books to be, but he can never really deliver on it. Whenever I read his stuff I’m disappointed that he isn’t a good enough writer to tell his own stories well.

I’m the same way. Gimme a transcript I can skim please.

Chiefs podcasts are the only thing I can listen to because I feel like I’m hanging out with my fellow Chief fan buddies talking about the game.

Part of being a sci-fi / fantasy dork is growing older and realizing that a lot of the classic stuff you loved as a teenager was problematic and weird af. Did Snow Crash really have a 15-year-old love interest? Did the author really think naming the main character Hiro Protagonist was a clever joke? It’s all very cringy and I’m glad I moved past it.