LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Part of white privilege is doing dumb stuff over and over again and not getting punished, indeed you usually get promoted if you stick around long enough.

The question I have is who on this forum is writing for a MSNBC anchor?

scenario: a gated parking lot at a workplace has 2 spots for electric vehicles with free charging.

complication: there is only one charging plug

question for the community: what is the etiquette for when you’re the second car to pull up?

  • first come, first dibs. no matter what
  • second car can unplug the first car any time because the first car already got some charge and it’s probably been there for hours
  • second car can unplug the first car only if second car’s battery is low
  • second car can unplug the first car only if second car’s battery is critically low

0 voters

Does first car get to key the shit out of second car when they come back and find they’ve been unplugged mid charge?


surely not if it’s a CRITICAL charge, i mean be reasonable here

I decline to key if there’s a note and at least $10 tucked under my driver’s side wiper blade.

Need more details

  • Male or a female owner
  • Female… Proceed with caution at all times.
  • Male… Size and weight known? Possibly works out?
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gto play is first dibs. Easiest to argue and reason. With perfect info you could decide who deserves the charge more. So did you key some nerd’s prius or are you the entitled asshole who stole someone’s charge?

Maddow, Hayes, and Lawrence definitely all write for themselves, though they have staffs/producers to do some of the work. Maddow seems to work like a dog.

I suspect that’s true. Even in a pandemic, though, I don’t have it in me to watch an hourlong version of Plinko.


Glad you’ve found a new way to enjoy yourself but make sure you remember that proper tea is theft.


Gotta get feather shuttlecocks. Way better imo

Criminal. Use kettle and put loose leaves at the bottom before pouring the water in.

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I’ve got one of these for loose



Excellent post

Last time I took the step of heating the water first instead of putting the tea bag in the microwave and wasn’t sure there was a difference. I think I’ve got to develop my palate in baby steps.

Also drinking it correctly makes all the difference to the flavour.

Note the cocked hand, the cocked finger and the complete cock drinking it.


People who drink tea with their pinky out is akin to a bright red sign above their head that reads, “I’m a douchebag”. Hold the cup like a normal person or get cups with bigger handles.

I avoid them like the plague.

First car should go unplug at lunch.

It’s all about temperature. I have a kettle that I can set to different temps depending on the tea I’m making.

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Don’t forget to drink it out of a red mug!

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