LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

@bro Dad needs an apprentice :nerd_face:

It was only ever a matter of time.

Hundreds of millions of former British subjects under the glorious British Empire can’t be wrong.

The pro move is coffee at breakfast to get you functioning and tea thereafter.


Let’s put the kettle on for this guy.

Welcome Nathan.


Not sure if I will be bold enough to leave this post as I wrote it on Nextdoor. This is about BLM and I think some councilperson didn’t want a BLM activist taking part in some forum and then people talked about it.

A: Who are you to come into my town telling us what to do. The world is full of nefarious characters. Your movement is opposed to the American form of government. It seeks to destroy my way of life and that of my progeny. If you keep on at this you may end up like Susan Rosenberg. And I don’t have the time to waste on the likes of you.

Me: Who are you talking to? “It seeks to destroy my way of life and that of my progeny”? Where did you get that from? It’s only 13 words, but it sounds like 14.

eta: I deleted it. Sorry. I looked up the person who posted that and she lives 5 blocks away and is 83 years old.

Why not just agree that you do want to destroy their way of life and let their imagination run wild with what that means?

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If I let loose on Nextdoor I probably end up getting firebombed* or swatted.

*Wouldn’t even been the first time something like that happened. A few years ago someone left a burning tire on the porch of one of the few Black families in the area.

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Like father…

Everyone from editorial assistant upwards would have spotted this, and let it go through deliberately, I suspect.


Tea leaves are obviously the connoisseur’s way of drinking tea here too.

Brewing it for a day sounds like what we call “stewed” (instead of “brewed”). That would take the back off our throats.


So this past weekend I had to undergo Round 2 of pandemic driven desperately overdue home haircut performed by my wife. The first one a couple of months ago went pretty well but she botched this one such that I look like peak Billy Idol. She thinks that the next best step is for her to try to fix it, but I am asserting with demonstration that the best approach from here is to leave it this way and I can sing a few lines of White Wedding or Eyes Without a Face every time she enters the room. Will my marriage survive my sense of humor this time? Let’s wait and see!


New tangent giving me flashbacks to a young nit living in China. Growing up my tea experience was limited to Lipton in the bag, so visiting a tea farm and drinking high end green tea prepared by the proprietors was a revelation. Wanting to share this discovery, I bought large quantities to share with friends and family when I returned home. It was only as I was flying back, 35k miles over the Pacific Ocean, that I realized that having several kilos of dried green leaves wrapped in unlabeled paper packages might present a customs issue…


Anyone have a recommendation on buying 4 badminton rackets and some shuttlecocks? I initially thought a $50-100 budget would suffice, and would prefer a level a quality where they dont break in the first 3 uses

I checked evilzon, but I don’t trust their reviews where 5 people all give 5 star reviews on the same day, while the same product is getting slagged on Dick’s for 2.7 stars.

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The aliens have landed and they are going after Chuck Yeager.

What is it - a push poll when they read you something bad about a candidate then poll you on them? I just received one where they asked my likelihood to vote, then after I answered rambled on for a good minute about Joe Biden and his corrupt son, Ukraine, China, etc.

Not an airtight operation they’re running over there as they polled me on the Maine Senate Race and I’ve never lived in Maine or have a Maine area code.

Anyway, that poll will score at least one tick for Biden from an uneducated white male.

Clearly de niro is one of those cash broke people with a lot of money in various shit and in that article has an ex trying to get more out of him but the quote is so absurd I posted it.

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Today I learned Chuck Yeager is still alive, 97 years old, and on twitter


DeNiro and Scorsese are both famously awful with money. When I worked at WME the agency had to loan Scorsese money.

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I’ve heard he is an awful human. I can’t remember where.