LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.


Paging @clovis8

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Rabelais wrote that the best object with which to wipe one’s bottom was the neck of a white goose.

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Clovis left because he was driven away by the angry mob.

He seemed like the angry one, to be honest. I mean he had a complete meltdown and he shouldn’t expect some pushback?

Ok. Delete the word angry. Whatever. I think if people had realised he’d leave that whole line might have gone differently.

I have some time before dinner, I’m going to go back and read it all, so help me god.

Fucking Toothsayer. I really only read him in BFI and there he had a lot of decent+ takes from 2011-whenever they tried to ban him. Back then he didn’t post politics in BFI really at all besides indicating pretty clearly that he was a libertarian. I figured he was just a standard white finance bro who wishes the government would only cater to him. Whatever he was good at stonks I thought.

Yeah since then that dude has totally lost the plot. The Trump era absolutely scrambled whatever functional parts of his brain there were lol. The value of his trading content has fallen to negative values as well during this period. Ideology is definitely warping that guys whole mind in a really ugly way.

I am pretty sure he confirmed lives in his parents basement (literally) and doesn’t actually trade.

That’s definitely become a much easier read to make over the last 3 years. He did pay up on that prop bet fwiw.

I’d love to see that post after years spent claiming a roaming millionaire lifestyle split between the Côte d’Azur and an exotic retreat replete with jacuzzis and tub girls, whose presence made him miss the chance to win the prop bet.

Yeah that never seemed believable ldo. But it’s a long drop from there to living in his mom’s basement. And again he did seem to have a brain in his head prior… it was flawed but it was there.

I had him pegged as a troll when he took it too far one time on P8.8 and started ranting on about how future generations will regard us as being illiberal for not allowing sex with animals.

Yeah my view of him was shaped heavily by only reading BFI where he was on firm ground. Back then politics was overrun with AC’ists and I was doing undergrad econ, which means I was having that conversation more than enough IRL to satiate whatever thirst I had for it. To say I avoided politics would be an understatement.

Well who the fuck is going to provide expert commentary on swingers clubs now? Why even have a forum?


Looks like TS is going full corona mask truther over in BFI.

0% surprised by that. I go over there once every couple of months to make sure my logistics AMA hasn’t bumped. 2p2 still has absolutely fabulous search ranking lol.

Dollor stores write up below…

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That’s a good article. Already read it because it hit but easily one of the best work I read in the last 2-3 weeks.

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