LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Serious question from an embarrassingly uninformed person: why the hell did Germany invade Russia?


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Nothing really wrong with either, but really really nothing wrong with mixing shapes. At some extreme I suppose cooking times could vary.

Also wheat and land generally. A better question is why they invaded France and bombed England. They could have taken Russia, had detente with England and France and probably had the USA on their side.

Also if you’re going to try to have them be smart, they could have just not killed the Jews and then they probably would have had nukes first.

You’re both wrong for eating boxed garbage. It takes 5 ingredients, 10 minutes, and bare minimum cooking skills to make real mac & cheese.


Oh look at me I have ten minutes.


When future historians write about the collapse of Western civilization they’re going to highlight the unwillingness and inability to make basic pasta with cheese sauce as a key indicator.

Cheese sauce alone is more likely to make the sequel to Spengler.

Fuck you guys and your mac-and-cheese-shaming of people. When you were down and out, Velveeta Shells and Cheese was there for you, no questions asked. You didn’t care if Velveeta was an actual cheese product or not back in the day, you loved that shit. Now you’re looking down your nose at people buying fair trade Annie’s artisanal mac and cheese harvested by indigenous peoples. You’re like “why can’t they make linguine al limone with fresh homemade pasta and herbs and cheeses like I do?” You strutting, puffed-up clowns are only one missed paycheck away from going back to eating Velveeta Shells and Cheese and you know it.


I haven’t had Velveeta Shells & Cheese in like thirty years but I somehow remember it as being the absolute nectar of the gods to eat while you’re watching Double Dare or whatever. So I looked it up on Wikipedia, and man, I have so many questions about what exactly it is that I was eating. The Wikipedia entry is a masterpiece in the art of managing expectations. It is shelf-stable and very similar to actual cheese and pasta!

Velveeta Shells & Cheese is a shell pasta and cheese sauce food product that debuted in the United States in 1984.[1][2] Its ingredients, texture, and flavor are very similar to macaroni and cheese. The product is a shelf-stable food.[3]

Me: “Computer: please tell me what the fuck Velveeta Shells and Cheese actually is.”

Computer: “Well, I’ll tell you what, its ingredients, texture, and flavor are very similar to macaroni and cheese.”

I’ve never had packet mix mac n cheese but your post made me laugh :laughing:

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Well after attacking Poland there wasnt much else they could do since both France and UK declared war on Germany. A war against the Soviet union was always the biggest goal of Hitler since he wanted to exterminate the jews but also saw Bolshevism as the biggest threat and mortal enemy of Germany or the world. So in order to avoid to have to fight a war on two fronts he had to get rid of France and the UK first. He got France done rather easily. And its esp infuriating because french scouts saw a huge chain of lights moving through the Ardennes but French High Command didnt believe them. Then happened what Louis said with Göring changing his attack approach. One question I have: Why declare war on the USA after Pearl Harbour? What would have happened if Hitler didnt do it? Would the USA declare war themselves? And why couldnt him and the Japanese not strike a deal about Soviet Union.

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Was listening to something about this recently. I don’t know much about WW2, but it was an academic saying that it was Hitler being a genuine racist and not wanting Japan on board really, so consequently they had shared little info with them and only really asked at the last moment. Along with that Japan thought they’d get little out of it, especially the Navy, and had also assessed that Hitler’s invasion had little chance of success.

Yeah supposedly Hitler completely underestimate Russians and Russian war technology due to the racism too. He couldn’t believe Slavs could produce tanks that competed with German tanks.

Although it’s what they wanted I don’t think they were ever going to get a treaty with Britain (not England, grrr) while Churchill was PM.

He’d have surrendered eventually if things had turned out differently, but that’s not a treaty.

It was shit or bust for us.

Someone I know does rib splittingly funny skits of imaginary Tory politicians of the post-war era saying things like “You know, Basil old chap, sometimes I can’t help wondering if we were really batting for the right side” in a perfectly delivered plummy accent straight out of Wodehouse.

Proximate cause? I’m not sure, perhaps. He was on record as just straight up hating communism and wanted to wipe it from the face of the earth though. And USSR was
Communism at that time.

So, I kinda went a little further on Nextdoor. There’s a thread of appreciation of the police department in our town. After a lot of appreciation, then this happens: (and I’m leaving some stuff out and paraphrasing other stuff)

B: blah blah…if you truly believe this I feel bad for you …blah blah
C: A is a tennis player at local high school
A: aww did I make you upset? C, yeah and what about it boo
A: C, come down to the courts and say whatever you have to say to my face
C: thanks for the invitation. I will and I will bring some of my friends with me. See you soon kiddo. (the high school kid is a girl btw)
Me: you’re (seemingly) joking around that you are going to get some friends together and fight a high school student?
D: Parents need to drive their kids to Compton for dinner after dark
Me: D, there’s nothing wrong with Compton. It’s not any kind of deal to go to dinner there after dark and it’s cowardly and racist to suggest otherwise.

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I’m so lost. What’s ACAB?

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I thought it was “all cops are bad”, but B says it’s “all cops are bastards”, which sounds more like it’s right.