LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Here’s their plan. ChrisV will know much better than me, but my brief read sees it more defensive against both Chinese military-backed ‘influence’ ops (cyber warfare, nibbles at territory, using threat of force to increase trade etc.) and also a possible US / China war in the pacific. So they’re not thinking about actually fighting China, just puffing themselves up enough so that China doesn’t take the piss and also being able to stay out of the way if the two bigger guys really go at it.

Right but I can get live TV and football with Hulu plus a whole bunch of other shit that Yootoob doesn’t offer like Not Feeding Evil Google Empire for coincidentally the same price now. It may have made sense before but raising it to that price point just makes Hulu the clear choice unless I’m missing something? Did they add a massive amount of content to go with that price bump?

I had youtube TV for a while to watch sports but I had to drop it, it was crazy expensive even before this price increase.

Fuck China and fuck Russia if these early predictions of a 70% win for Putin hold up. People are sheep.
I really wished we could cut ties with all of these countries. I am sick of standing by and appeasing them just to make a buck.


Viacom channels.

We like YouTube tv so we won’t be going anywhere.



The only good thing about this is it has to make Trump just rage with jealousy and envy.


I tried to watch an episode of Magnum a few years ago, lasted about a minute. Similar thing with Good Times. The nostalgia definitely beats the reality

NewsRadio better still hold up dammit or I’ll be crushed.

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My roommates and I got a lease renewal offer yesterday:

Our lease expired in February 2015 and we’ve been month-to-month since then, I’m trying to figure out if this is some kind of trick but I’m pretty sure our apartments are just desperate to shore up cash.

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Just not raising it, we’re rent controlled so they’ve been always been sure to raise the rent 5% every February and they missed doing that this year for some reason.

Talk them down. Everyone in my circle of friends who rent have gotten their landlords to lower their monthly or at the least stay the same.

You have leverage in this negotiation, use it.

Lol tech bros

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Yeah it’s new submarines, fighter jets, plus anti-ship cruise missiles, all basically aimed at stopping the projection of power into the seas near Australia. This will be the first time Australia has owned any long-range missiles. Their range will not threaten China’s homeland. I’ve heard the strategy described as an “echidna strategy” after Australia’s porcupine-like animal. Don’t pose an active threat to anyone, but advertise the capacity to do damage if anyone gets too close.

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Here’s something from the BBC 'specially for my mate cruse because I know how much he enjoys articles from UK’s BBC:

I’m glad they rejected the koala and platypus strategies.

Now someone explain to me why the US needs more than this + ICBMs

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OK, so it’s inaccurate, and indeed problematic, to lazily suggest that homophobes are usually, or even often, closeted.



Well, if the US weren’t helping stir things up in the pacific, Australia wouldn’t even need that. QED.

Umm holy shit at some of those videos in that thread lol

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