LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Chapo-adjacent shock humor podcast

Libertarians: lovers of freedom and liberty who can’t stop stanning for the Confederacy.


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“How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?” asked Samuel Johnson, and he was on to something it seems.

So I haven’t heard a single firework in my area which really surprised me because the stories here of it happening everywhere really badly this year.

I learned my city banned the sale, possession, and use of ANY fireworks this year. Honestly really surprised because this is deep Trump country, but we did have a fire last year that took out a few homes. Still pretty surprising and shocking its worked. City is still a shithole but thats nice.

I need more heartwarming stories like this one.

I am on Team Bison 100% of the time here. People that think the entire world exists solely for their entertainment and consumption drive me nuts.

Do people know how to use the zoom function on their camera?

Idiots think they’re professional wildlife photographers.

Animals gonna animal.

I’ve seen people irl do the same with moose. And clearly seen the moose get agitated yet the people do not recognize it. Honestly, most of the time they’re just really ignorant to the dangers. Although it seems they likely have signs and other warnings for visitors to Yellowstone, so a bit harder to forgive the ignorance there than say on some mountain road or trail in NH.

As someone who has seen a moose walk across his front yard… I can’t imagine being stupid enough to get close to one on purpose. So yeah if you get killed trying to get a selfie with a large herbivore the size of a full size SUV that has excellent reasons to see humans as a threat… yeah good riddance tbh.

I’m pretty liberal overall, but I definitely think the world has gotten way too safe for stupid people. Coronavirus is busy solidifying that belief by the day too.

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Too old for Darwin though.

Most people are oblivious to animal reactions. They can’t even figure out that dogs really hate being pat on the head, even though the dog will make it very obvious if you pay even a little bit of attention.

Carl Reiner dead. Dude was 98 and still working.


He was almost 80 in Oceans 11 and nailed the shit out of it

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I didn’t see an option for “guillotine” on the ballot. Oh well. The poll workers were pretty big fans of my shirt.


Yeah bison lady was dumb and I really don’t weep for total strangers, 40000 men and women every day and all, but I’m not gleeful about it. I also don’t hope I die in a motorcycle crash, zikzak gets lung cancer, jbro falls off a mountain, Suzzer gets killed by a home made gun at a Nicaraguan road block, or simplicitus gets covid at Orange Therapy whatever. No one is asking anyone to cry, but it’s not a virtue to count crow.




Anyone have a recommendation for a quality showerhead?