Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

Conservatives upset at one of their own for covering up a sex scandal? What is this made up country?

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Just listening to Radio 2 here in NY state.
Some doofus called Toby Young (I believe) spouting about how Bojo was truly awesome about getting the UK thru Brexit [what does that mean?] & how he was the most awesome leader in the world in dealing with Covid. I was just lolololing all over.

Coming from the land of “fuck you, make me” politics, this is pretty cool. Congrats UKers!

(ETA: To clarify, I meant I am coming from that land, which is USA AKA ‘Murca)

Not so fast.

Things aren’t what they seem in perfidious Albion.

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Is this somehow bad? Worse successor?

Worm leaving plenty of wriggle room.

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Toby Young is a complete knob.

Well played, UK. Wish we in the US knew how to yeet out terrible politicos like this.

Try taking pictures of them eating a bacon sandwich.



Looks like this is now a thread where Americans wonder about UK politics.

They got us there.

I’m just here for Black Rod news.


Can’t give you that but I can give you this.


It was playing while The Convict was trying to give a rousing speech lol^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1544933256251842561|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

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There is no future

The Tories have been in charge of the country for 12 consecutive years

“There’s a sense here of long-term neglect,” Bland says, as we walk around Spalding. “Whatever the new direction of the Conservative party is, the levelling-up concept and fairer funding [are] needed in South Holland.”

He points out the multitude of vacant shops, vape shops and bookmakers, and the convenience stores catering for the eastern European workers who pick fruit, flowers and vegetables in the fenland farms.

Even if the levelling-up funding has yet to reach Spalding, there is plenty of praise for Johnson’s record.

“He’s done a fantastic job with the vaccinations,” said Rosemary Burton. “I can’t see who would take over from him who would do better.” She thinks the difficulties finding a doctor and police pay are the most important priorities.

“He’s the best prime minister we’ve had for a very long time,” he says. “He did a very good job, faced up to the country’s problems, the common market. Nobody else is worth voting for.”

“Poor old Boris,” he says. “He’s got the right ideas, but he’s easily led. He listens too much to other people and doesn’t make his own decisions.

I mean tories are still favoured in the next election (albeit likely linden coalition) which is hilarious. Ukwaaf^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1546332905772826625|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

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Liz Truss sounds lovely. I especially like her commitment to fossil fuels so the solar panels can be ripped up to bolster the pork pie industry.