Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

It’s clear they’re aware that the only thing that can stop their 1000 year rule now that most people have given up on politics and just want to play with their phones is widespread public disobedience as happened in the poll tax riots, so they’ll enact legislation to prevent that and call it illegal assembly or something.

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Of course the problem is that the median UK voter thinks this is woolley Liberal nonsense and should go a lot further.

If this passes I stop posting altogether…


I think all in all this pandemic has broken me, I’m not up for the fight anymore, especially when my family is all in on this and I have upset some of them I’m better to bow out while I still can, as that’s the way it’s going, almost 5 more years of terrible laws & tightening of our media I’m afraid of where we’ll be then.

Our defenders… My fucking arse…

And this ■■■■ couldn’t even support Labour in the last election because JC being an “anti-semetic”

A personal interest my fucking arse, he does not even realise that it’s over, so I’m out.

Welcome to fasict little England everybody.

He’s good for the facts in the morning, probably the best out there just to lay things bare.

This has riled me, as you can see, it’s utter maddening that this is being proposed nevermind voted on.

My blood has never boiled so much mate… I need to take a break from this, my heads exploding atm.

Read about the new UK varient today… :cold_sweat:

You definitely don’t want to post this in the Covid-19 thread then…

:sweat_smile: Don’t open

Fixed it

You made me laugh out loud with the FU, so thank you… :+1::grin:

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(from BBC live page)

Government’s vigil concerns are ‘humbug’, says ex-judge

Former Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption says the government’s concerns over the police response to Saturday’s vigil are “humbug”.

He says politicians are responsible for the situation police faced, noting that until autumn last year protests were exempt from Covid lockdown laws - providing the protest organisers had agreed plans with authorities in advance.

“That exemption was deliberately removed at the end of last year because the government did not want to allow political protests,” he tells Radio Four’s The World at One.

“Of course, the government was mainly concerned with protests against its own policies but the problem is you can’t have an exception for demonstrations and protests the government likes but not covering demonstrations and protests against the government itself."


Punk rocker turned hateful right wing troll journalist Julie Burchill issues perfunctory legal apology and pays damages after defaming Ash Sarkar with multiple racist tropes

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