Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

I wonder if I read The Mail today how many Meghan & Nicola stories are in there…5?


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Yeah. Unfortunately the most malignant 50%+ of us think this is good news.

You don’t remember Sunny Jim or 'arold?

It’s almost enough to make you long for assassinations to focus some minds.

Actually, to hell with the niceties, it is enough.


Yeah and this was the intended result.

Although obviously they are detestable, in a totally abstract way you have to begrudgingly admire how they had the idea of “turning everyone into opportunists” (aka appealing to people’s selfishness) with the aim of destroying hard won rights to further enrich the people who fund and campaign for them, and had a strategy to put it into practice with a minimum of resistance (mainly in the 80s), with even the loss of elections to a toothless Labour party making no difference.

To convince people that this was in their best interests was a masterstroke.

I’d never expect a bunch of c u n t s like the English to support each other, but conning them out of their own gains was quite something.


Dam fireworks during the day is a waste, #bastards :weary:

She said a low point was when Harry was asked by an unnamed family member “how dark” their son Archie’s skin might be.

Paddy Power not taking bets on this one - it’s a done deal.

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The obvious guess is Mr “Bongo Bongo Land” himself, the other PP.

God knows why they’d want to take his family name. Mountbatten was a racist paedophile.

If they’ve got any sense they’re keeping the trump card of genetic proof as a nuclear threat against the Windsors.

We should erect a statue of Meghan… :wink:

Sounds about par for the course for a Met copper.

Reports are saying the site in Kent is a possible area of concern & all the forensics officer’s are down there atm with the tents erected.