Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff


The new Marty :grin:


Iā€™m no expert but I think not (unless he goes and moves in with your cousin). The graphic above shows Erasmus isnā€™t included in the deal.

Iā€™d prefer you not to call them ā€œmy lotā€ thanks.

As I said, I have more in common with the average person in Brussels or Berlin than the average person in fucking Kidderminster.

But I do know what you meant.


This is the first time Iā€™m really feeling that weā€™ve left the EU - the transition period buffeted us from any actual effects. Iā€™m depressed about the whole long term picture and how the far right will exercise their majority to do god only knows what here and how the most hideous specimens in the country will feel empowered to carry out god knows what heinous acts.

Itā€™s all enough to make me want to sell up, buy a small isolated house in the countryside where we donā€™t have to talk to any of the fucking awful people and dig in for the rest of our lives.

The Reuters sub headline is pretty funny in a dry way.

Britain clinched a narrow Brexit trade deal with the European Union, just seven days before it exits one of the worldā€™s biggest trading blocs in its most significant global shift since the loss of empire.


I really wasnā€™t too angry before today, after watching the shitshow of our nations news channels Iā€™m absolutely depressed.

The talk about remainers? There is noneā€¦ There was A deal or No dealā€¦ In the run up to the worst Christmas period of most off our lifetimes & if I feel this bad I hate to think about the folks who fought to avoid this.

As Jalfrazi says reality is setting in now & thinking of what they can do with the majority theā€™ve got is frightening to say the least especially when the whole fucking day the journalistsonadoglease are asking what will Labour vote for ā€œFuck right offā€

Whole thing has been planned this year so they could slip it through before it gets fully scrutinised in parliament imoā€¦ No screaming from the ERG tells us weā€™re in deep shit.

Us Scots will probably get the troops sent in before we get another referendum on independence.

The way the truckers were treated this week at dover/Kent is the way forward for this country, the bastards could not even send them water.

I agree

Donā€™t know what youā€™re worried about, Marty, Johnson is going to start a new programme named after Turing and it will be with the ā€˜best universities in the worldā€™. Seems the trouble with Erasmus was that although UK kids did good the UK ā€˜loses outā€™ because dirty Europeans also expected to come to the UK and made us feel icky.

Am sure the worldā€™s ā€˜top universitiesā€™ will be falling over themselves to sign up on those terms.

Brexit all over. The ā€˜problemā€™ was that the arrangement didnā€™t solely benefit the UK, and the solution is to re-engineer something that already exists so that it benefits the UK alone. Itā€™s blindly assumed that other countries will just go along with it, at a level so deep that that isnā€™t even mentioned or addressed in the plan.

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United Ireland on the way :shamrock: :ireland:



This is good for stocks, right?

Itā€™s a good reason to put people in them, if that was your question.

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Managed to get an appointment with my optician tonight, luckily hes fit me in at around 11.30pm for around a 4 hour job.