Kinetic Wrist Sculptures




BJ, no way you are getting a steel Rolex for retail from a dealer. Are you on drugs?

Steel? No, the yacht master 42 is gold

Does that help my chances? I honestly don’t know

And yes I am on drugs

Oh my bad, didn’t realize that was white gold. In light of this new information, let me revise my opinion: You have no chance.

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I was thinking about getting a job at my local Rolex AD. Do you think they’d even make me come in?

Who do I recommend in America? In America, who do I recommend? DavidSW! DavidSW! DavidSW!

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If you just sit tight, I’m pretty confident this market will come crashing down. Gonna be a great time to get into a Rolex on the cheap just like the last major recession. Feels like the casualties will be more massive this time since there’s an entire cottage industry of flippers holding large inventory that developed over the past decade and way more Instagram influencer types FLEXING Daytonas they’ll be forced to sell.


I wouldn’t send that dude a fucking roll of quarters. My starting assumption on all gray market “dealers” is that they are convicted felons on a 2nd or 3rd run operating under a new name.

ok thanks i was seriously considering it

sounds ok tho. i think i’m back to strongly considering.

They slurp him because he can deliver a $10k wristclock for $30k without outright scamming. That is the extremely low bar for great service on watch forums, buf if you read enough posts on WUS and RF, you’ll quickly realize the people who aren’t drinking the Kool-Aid correctly point out that he offers the lowest prices while asking the highest prices. The same people who complain about gray market prices are the ones who stan for the scalpers.

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To be clear, he has a stellar reputation for delivering quality pieces quickly and without drama which cannot be said of everyone in this space (see: The LOL Timepiece Gentleman). It’s just that (1) his prices are higher than everyone else and (2) fuck gray market dealers. If he’s literally the only game in town for the YM42, then maybe you could justify overpaying. Are you buying as an investment though?

No, I wanna wear it

Since YM isn’t that coveted, especially PMs at this price point, it probably wouldn’t hurt to just ask your AD to get on the list or whatever. If nothing else, I’d love to hear a trip report on it.




Sick. What country is the warranty card from?

the micronation of “Tourneau”. never heard of it

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