Kinetic Wrist Sculptures

Rolexes like fifty or sixty years ago were medium expensive stainless steel diving watches, right? When did they transition to a luxury brand encrusted with like diamonds and emeralds and shit?

They were a luxury brand first, then made tool watches, then decades later the tool watches became popular among regular folks

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Thought they always were expensive. Pretty sure a bunch of soldiers bought 1 for a few months pay back during WW2

Privates made fifty bucks a month in WW2

Yeah, but how much is 150$ or whatever they paid in 2023 $?

2000 bucks

This dude bought a rolex in 1973 for $345, which is about $2300 today. So like from WW2 to the end of Vietnam, that’s kind of in line with what I was thinking: an expensive diver’s watch popular with pilots and divers and guys like that. But then it became a brand that’s more of a status signaling luxury brand sometime between then and now.

rolex offered watches to allied POWs in ww2 with no cash down, pay us when you get back home. i think that’s where the US servicemen/rolex connection started.

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Damn that’s good marketing. Like putting cigarettes in C rations level shit.

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How did they get the watches to prisoners of war? How did they know which prisoners of war wanted the watch?

Damn. That is one sick investment.

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May we all live to eat steak and eggs at 93

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Looks like his original moo watch and an X33 on the left, can’t really tell what’s on the right but maybe another x33 (I assume he’s an omega ambassador or whatever they call them)? Pretty chad regardless.

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“moo watch”

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Great conversation starter in case you just met this man and don’t know anything about him. One could strike up a conversation about his many watches, and he could say he got one of them commemorate a special occasion at his last job, and then you could ask him what his profession was, where he could then say you know, astronaut.

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Dude’s watch game is out of control.

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I like how my man Buzz wears a Kennedy Space Center t-shirt like he’s a kid who went there for summer vacation.

Incidentally, steak & eggs is what the Apollo guys ate before blasting off, cool to see him honoring the tradition.