Kamala / Walz 2024

All the people who care about anti-wokeness are voting Trump already.


Sureā€¦ I just donā€™t know about the messaging trying to defend Pete on this when heā€™s been a mayor and a transport secretary. If theyā€™re like ā€œhe got chosen because of wokeā€ what do you say. I donā€™t think this is some devastating line of attack, more just a distraction that the campaign maybe doesnā€™t need.

Like it may draw unnecessary attention to the fact that Kamala herself was originally a diversity hire, essentially.

idkā€¦ there are still a lot of dem boomers that arenā€™t super comfortable with lgbtq.

those people suck, but they definitely exist. my mother has a bunch of catholic boomer friends that are.

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Pete has proven heā€™s the absolute best at swatting down the rights stupid bullshit bad faith arguments. It has to be either him or a swing state governor. Dumbass Manchin probably thinks challenging Kamala gives him some chance at VP.

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I lean towards a governor, especially one like Roy Cooper who is term-limited, but I also think it doesnā€™t matter that much and itā€™s probably better for Kamala Harris to pick someone she is comfortable dealing with, regardless of position.

This was my first thought re: Pete as VP. The only issue is outside of a debate (and will there even be a VP debate?), I donā€™t think he gets to flex those skills all that much while campaigning, so Iā€™m not sure how critical it is.

Donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen a single talking head name Pete as a serious candidate, all about the Coopers of the world. Is he in serious consideration outside of UP?

Betting markets have him sort of a distant 5th behind Kelly, Beshear, Shapiro, and Cooper.

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yeah i think he is better utilized outside of the campaign. VP traditionally plays a backseat role, its harder to play the attack dog role that he is best at because he would need to be more careful at choosing his words and looking presidential. just let him go on all of the talk shows and eviscerate Trump imo.

This was my thought as well.

Pete can go on all the shows he wants and get another Cabinet spot in the Harris Administration.

I think for VP pick you want someone who exudes boring competence and capability. Someone with executive experience just cuts off some of the attack angles.

thatā€™s pete


"I want the American people to know what a Kentuckian is, and what they look like. Let me just tell you, JD Vance ainā€™t from here. The nerve that he has to call the people Kentucky, of eastern Kentucky, ā€˜lazy.ā€™

ā€œListen, these are the hard-working coal miners that powered the industrial revolution, that created the strongest middle class the world has ever seen. Powered us through two World Wars. We should be thanking them, not calling them ā€˜lazy.ā€™ā€

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i think shapiro would be a poor choice unless itā€™s pretty much a lock he delivers PA.

heā€™s more hardline on Israel/Gaza than the current administration. plus the school choice thing is just not a democratic policy and could become a talking point with the base.

but obviously if the polling/thoughts say that he delivers PA then it obviously outweighs these concerns.

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I grew up in small town Ohio and my Momā€™s family are real-deal hillbillies. Willing to take banjo lessons if it comes to that.

Colorado Gov on CNN in response to if he would accept VP: ā€œif they do the polling and find out that they need a 49 year old white balding gay Jew from Boulder, Colorado, I would say yesā€


Hopefully itā€™s someone who can speak to the working class and undercut the rising faux populism coming from the right. Pro-union, pro-healthcare, etc.

Kamala should make her platform ā€œeverything Joe did + universal health careā€ and just make the campaign about that and have a VP that backs it up. (/SSC)

Instead sheā€™ll probably campaign on being a prosecutor or something, turning everyone off and reminding us why she tanked in the 2020 primary.


I wouldnā€™t make this so much about who the person is, just focus on the offering. Obamacare didnā€™t need for 2008 Joe Biden to have credibilty on health care to get enought people to buy into it.

Glen Powell