Kamala / Walz 2024

Here, I’ll help you.

No one in September 2020 should be surprised that Joe Fucking Biden is to the right of Elizabeth Warren on consumer protections. No one should be surprised that Joe Fucking Biden will govern to the right of his rhetoric because Obama did that too. You might want to start thinking about who exactly benefits from these “leaks” that SHOCK THE WORLD with the fact that Biden is centrist. GASP! I know you enjoy your little bump of dopamine when you mash that “see how much smarter I always was” button, but some people are trying to save the tattered remains of democracy in the world’s largest country. You might want to stop acting like an Ohio Karen on Facebook.


holy shit there’s a lot to unpack there

Don’t bother. At core, I don’t think its worth letting Trump win to trigger an imaginary socialist revolution in America. If that’s the root of your beliefs about what should happen this November then you’re hopeless.

Grassroots – I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

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It means please don’t hate us for being in the connected class, we need your money.

i mean, if you want an actual explanation, I can give one.

In this context, it means “low dollar”. Yeah, it sounds better to say grassroots, even though it’s connected to the campaign. But for these the tickets usually start at $15-$25, far from the connected class. Everyone complains that only max donors get access or to see that candidates for events like this, so they do ones with extremely low buy-ins.

These also usually make more than some of the high dollar fundraisers, because 25 x 4000 raises almost as much as a swanky to do with only 50 people, but more importantly, it allows more people to hear the candidate directly.

Honestly, I’m surprised they are doing them in the general…I always thought it was more of a primary thing, where you have less media coverage and need the money a lot more.

The definition of grassroots has gotten mushy over the years, though. My true grassroots group became the official campaign in San Diego county. Most grassroots groups for candidates have contact with or support from the campaigns eventually because why wouldn’t your campaign want to leverage that? And why wouldn’t the grassroots groups want access to campaign info?


I understand why this could technically count as grassroots. I just don’t think HRC and the “Hollywood Elite” is what comes to mind for most people when they hear the term.

Maybe Sheldon Adelson can host a grassroots fundraiser for Trump!

New VP needed, let’s bump this thread.

I did find my OP from April 2020 amusing:

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It’s Pete ldo


Josh Shapiro

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Roy Cooper, come on down!

Would be a terrible pick.

He should be running for the (potentially open) senate seat in 2026.

Can’t rule out Mark Kelly. Beshear would be okay too.



Even worse than Cooper imo. He just won a senate race in a swing state.

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Absolute nos on Shapiro and Kelly. Cannot remove either from their states.

I suppose that’s a consideration. Would be better than pissing away 6 years of Shapiro in PA or extra Beshear years in KY though.

Unless you live in Pennsylvania or Kentucky, who cares?

Senators affect the whole nation; we don’t lose anything nationally by pulling Shapiro or Beshear out of their current jobs.

There are election logistics related to people trying to steal it in PA that you want Shapiro to remain in place for. What would happen if he’s pulled? Is he allowed to stay governor through the election?

They appoint replacement congresscritters?. Although I think they fucked with that in KY.